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I’m stunned at his confession. I envisioned Luke exactly like his parents: spoiled, entitled, and rude.

“More like you want to report back toyourparents about me,” Gabe shoots back.

Luke’s dark auburn brows furrow. “I have never done that,” he answers slowly. “Not once. I have always had your back, Gabe. I don’t care what you do with your life. It’s your life.”

Gabe shoots me a quick glance, and then Bennet and Forrest.

“Hi…” Luke offers, extending his hand. “I’m Gabe’s brother.”

I slip off the stool and tentatively take his hand. “I’m Stella, Gabe’s?—”

“I know who you are,” Luke says quickly. “You don’t need to explain it to me. I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you.”

My eyebrows shoot up, and I glance at Gabe.

“This is Bennet and Forrest,” I add slowly.

“I’m a big fan of your movies, man,” Luke tells Forrest enthusiastically. “And your work is renowned around the hospital where I work, Bennet. You really are a great man.”

Bennet and Forrest both blink at the unexpected kindness of Gabe’s brother.

“Gabe, can we talk to you for a second?” I ask. “Excuse us for a minute, Luke.”

“Oh… sure. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just come by on opening night. I’m sure you have a lot to do.”

Gabe shuffles toward the kitchen, where the clanking of pots and pans echoes through the massive space, blocking our conversation from carrying very far.

“Am I missing something?” I ask gently. “Is he a narcissist or something?” I don’t want Gabe to think I’m picking sides.

“Luke? No. He’s fucking perfect,” Gabe grumbles. “It’s irritating.”

“He genuinely seems to want to make a connection with you, Gabe. He’s your brother.”

“He’s the golden boy,” Gabe growls.

I shake my head. “But that’s not his fault, babe. That’s your parents’. He didn’t make himself the golden boy. In fact, themore you keep your distance, the more your parents win. Luke has obviously been fed stories about you by your parents, but he still reaches out. You’re alienating him because of how your parents treat him.”

His hazel eyes widen as if he has never considered that before. “Dammit. They keep getting one up on me.”

“Not if you don’t let them,” I reassure him. “You still have a family in us. But it seems like Luke wants to be a part of your life, too—if you let him in.”

Swallowing thickly, Gabe embraces me. “How did you get so damn wonderful?”

“It took some practice and meeting the three sexiest men on the planet.”

“I’d like to meet those sexy men sometime,” Gabe jokes, kissing my forehead and releasing me. “Thank you, Stella.”

He disappears toward the front of the restaurant, to hopefully take the first steps to repair his relationship with Luke.

Bennet walks into the kitchen on the backswing. “Luke seems all right.” It’s the best compliment Bennet is going to give Gabe’s brother. At least it’s a step in the right direction.

“Are you bored yet?” I tease. “I know that it really means a lot to Gabe and Forrest that you’re here, supporting them.”

Bennet scrunches up his brows. “Why wouldn’t I support them? They’re a part of our family, and I care about the things that matter to them, too.”

My heart warms at this perfect little unit that has come to be. “I love you, Bennet.”

He leans his forehead against mine. “I love you, too, Stella.”
