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“Did you just come back here to tell me that?” I joke, taking a step back and smiling at him.

He smirks. “Actually, I want to talk to you about my latest charity, if you’re interested. I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but?—”

“I never have too much for you, Benn. What are you working on?”

“I’ve just looked into opening a series of mental health clinics in downtown LA. I’m wondering if you can help me get the word out.”

Bennet looks down and my heart swells as I understand he has started this latest foundation for me.

“When did you do this, Benn?” I whisper, my voice barely audible over the clang and smashing of the dinner prep.

“I’ve had it in the works for a while,” he answers evasively.

I throw my arms around him and smother his face in kisses, not caring if I’m embarrassing him, but he doesn’t stop me, his arms encircling my waist.

“Yes! Yes, I’ll help you with whatever you want,” I promise. “We’re all in this together, remember?”

“I remember,” he rasps back when I finally finish smothering him with affection. “How could I forget when you always remind me?” He sits back and peers at me.

“What?” I ask suspiciously, sensing a secret brewing.

“No, nothing…”

“Don’t lie to me, Bennet Huxley,” I challenge. “I can basically read your mind.”

He stifles a sigh. “The others will kill me if I tell you.”

“I’ll spank you if you don’t,” I tease. “What’s going on?”

A smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. “Promise to act surprised when they tell you?”

“I promise,” I agree.

“Now that the restaurant is built, we have a new project in mind,” he confesses.

I wait expectantly. “Oh?”

“It’s about time we’re all living under the same roof, don’t you think?”

My pulse races, happiness flooding my heart. I had been thinking the very same thing for months.

“Yes,” I agree. “I do.”

The future is truly ours, as long as we’re together. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
