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“How was your conference, Cyella?” I ask with a sigh.

The pixie transforms in an instant, her feet gracefully hitting the floor as her body takes up about the same space as an average human being. Her violet eyes look me up and down, face contorted like she just bit into a rotten lemon.

“Wonderful, until I got a call informing me that my darling husband almostdiedunder your watch!” she snaps at me. “I’vebeen incredibly understanding, hell, I’ve been generous to you up until now. Do you feed off my rage or what?”

I shoot her a glare as I collapse into my office chair. “He survived marrying you. I'm sure a little pollen won't kill him.”

“I’ve stood by and watched you abuse and endanger Greiko for too long now. Insults, ignoring him, belittling his intelligence.” She scoffs. “I could look the other way because Greiko asked me to. For some reason, he cares about you. So I kept my mouth shut. But choking to death on flowers that you brought to the table when you damn well know he’s allergic? That’s too much.”

“It was an accident, Cyella.” I shake my head. “What do you want from me? An apology basket? I can have one delivered later today if –”

“I want you gone,” she growls, her voice low and deep.

I smirk, letting out a short laugh of disbelief. Her eyes narrow as she continues.

“You and Greiko will no longer be investing together. Do you understand? You’re going to sell your shares in the companies you jointly own and walk away without a single peep or complaint. You’ll thank Greiko for his years of mentorship and wisdom, and then see yourself out. And then you’ll never contact him again.”

I tilt my head, a smirk on my face. “And why would I do any of that?”

“Because I know a little secret you desperately don’t want to get out.”

My heart drops. There’s no way she knows aboutthat, right? I lean forward in my chair and fold my hands on my desk. She’s bluffing, and I’m calling it.

“I assure you, no one will believe your story about how much I love to eat garlic,” I tease.

“How about your status as an illegal demon?”

Cyella is the one who smirks now, watching my smile falter. “Oh, yes, I know. I’ve known for a while. Since you had too many martinis at that holiday function and told Greiko, thenhehad too much wine on our anniversary and toldme. I’ve been keeping this to myself, Argoss, for a very long time. But if you don’t do exactly as I say, I’ll take it straight to the mages’ council.”

I swallow down something stuck in my throat. Cyella is a respected journalist with a clean record. Anything she says will be taken seriously.

I do not doubt for a moment a witch with enough time and power could pick apart the enchantments making my paperwork appear legal. The ink is well made, I paid good money to make sure of that. But even the strongest enchanted ink has weaknesses.

I need to continue carefully and make her see reason.

“Cyella, I'd be careful you don't do something you'll regret.”

“Imagine, a demon with the power to possess humans, running around with forged papers. We can’t have that, now can we? There’ll be panic in the streets. You’ll be banished to the underworld before you can even apologize for wearing too much aftershave.”

“You’re lying.”

Cyella grabs her chin and strokes it with one finger. “Where did you get those forged papers, anyway? From someone with a lot of power and influence maybe? What an interesting trail to follow. Once you’re exposed, the good law officials in this town will surely try to find the hole you used to get up here. Imagine that. Getting rid of you would be a public service for everyone Topside.”

She crosses back over to my desk and picks up a coffee mug with very normal, unenchanted ink pens inside. The mug says ‘Number One Partner.’ It’s a gift from Greiko after we’d been inbusiness together for a whole year. I didn’t get him anything. Why would I? We aren't high schoolers going to our first dance together.

“He cares so much about you. He thinks you're his friend. I’ll never understand why.”

Of course, she wouldn't.

Cyella shakes her head and scoffs at the mug before dropping it again. “You don’t have a lot of time. Keep me updated on the progress, or else.” And with that, she leaves, a glowing speck flying through the keyhole in my office door.

I stand up, clench my fists at my side, and take a couple of steps to clear my head.

“Come on,” I hiss to myself, scowling. “Get it together. You’re a demon! You’re going to make it through this.”

I pace the length of the office, certain an answer is just within reach as soon as I figure out which direction I'm reaching. Can I further enchant my papers? Make it harder to reveal the forgery?

No, the mages’ council isn’t so easily fooled. They don’t just put any little girl or boy with budding powers in there. It’s nothing but the most seasoned in those ranks. Ones who might be able to expose my false papers. With the right enchantment, of course.
