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If I can’t fool them, then I’m doomed to banishment. I can’t go back. There’s nothing left to go back to anyway, considering my family's ancient lands were taken long ago. Back when the portal was newly closed and the kings of the underworld began usurping each other's strongholds and indentured spirits.

No, going back is not an option. What else is there?

For some reason, Felicity springs to mind. It's unexpectedly perfect. Of course!

I can’t stop Cyella from revealing me, nor can I stop the witches from discovering my forgery, but I can put a stop to their attempt at deporting me.

If I marry a human.

It’s so easy, I don’t know why I didn’t consider it sooner. Marrying her would grant me legal status by default. I’d be protected and my business secured!

Of course, it won’t be a simple task. Humans take so long to fall in love, and then they take even longer to commit to marriage. But maybe I can convince her to agree to a marriage of convenience if I use the child.

Lucy isn’t shy about wanting Felicity to adopt her. And Felicity isn’t opposed to the idea, except that she’s hesitant to adopt while single with a pithy income.I gathered as much when we talked as she showed me around the orphanage earlier.

Yes, it’s coming together now. I can plan an elaborate day, something fun and exciting for the children under the guise of acting as a benefactor. I’ve already stuck my foot in the door as one. Then, when she and Lucy have stars in their eyes, I’ll propose a marriage of convenience to Felicity.

I’ll come up with a different reason why it would make sense for me. Perhaps I can tell her it's for my image as a businessman. “Clients prefer husbands and fathers over single playboy bachelors,” I try out, hoping it sounds natural. “Especially when they’re demonic men.”

Honestly, it's hardly a lie. It would open so many doors for me. This plan would make sense even if I wasn’t under threat from a pissed-off pixie!

And if the plan doesn’t end with Felicity jumping into my arms? Well, I’ll just have to make sure Lucy is nearby and hears the whole thing. If I drop all the right resources for her adoption right in Felicity’s lap and she refuses it, Lucy will not let her live it down.

I like the girl. She's feisty and strong-willed. She’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants, I can tell. All I have to do islament Felicity’s rejection, and the girl will certainly take care of the rest.

And if I have to clue the child in on my need to remain Topside, so be it. I bet she’ll trust me if she has something to gain from doing so. One look from those little orphan doe eyes and Felicity will be unable to say no!

Yes, Argoss, you’ve done it again.I can’t wait to see the look on Cyella’s face when she meets the new Mrs. Demitriux, the Topside woman who’s about to foil her evil plans.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I see no weakness in this plan at all. And once I have a ring on Felicity’s finger, keeping her and Lucy happy and in line should be simple. There isn’t a single human problem that can’t be fixed with a large wad of cash.

I sit back down and pull out my schedule, ready to clear everything. I have the party of a lifetime to plan.



The sound of children’s laughter is like the ringing of bells. I grin as the orphans run across the field to bouncy houses enchanted to withstand the sharpest of talons and games of cornhole and frisbee. Most, though, make a beeline for the newly repaired and expanded treehouse network on the outskirts of the field, the first thing Argoss had fixed.

It’s the perfect day for a picnic, the air fragrant with springtime and the smell of meat grilling. The only child that stays behind is Lucy, who is still holding my hand. Ordinarily, she’d be leading the other orphans in a game of pretend, turning the bouncy castle into a pirate ship in search of treasure.

I’ve never known Lucy to be shy a day in her life, so I'm struck by a twinge of concern. “Is everything okay?” I ask.

She smiles, revealing the gap in her teeth from the canine she lost a week ago. “I’m just waiting for Mr. Argoss. He said he was coming.”

Right. Our hero of the hour is caught in traffic and hasn’t yet arrived. Lucy had hit it off with him in a way I had never seen before. She’s good with adults and the world’s most charminglittle ambassador, but there is something about her and Argoss that really clicked.

I ruffle her hair. “I tell you what. As soon as he gets here, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, you go play.”

“Yeah, listen to Felicity,” says a familiar voice from behind.

With a surprised squeak, I whip around to see Argoss standing there with his arms crossed and a twinkle in his blue-gray eyes. Lucy grins and lets go of my hand. “Mr. Argoss! Can I see your badass wings again?”

I sigh and she seems to take this as some kind of hint.

“Mr. Argos!MayI see your badass wings again?” She glances at me. “Please?”

He’s overjoyed by this. I can tell because he’s got about as much of a filter as Lucy.
