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“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I say. She sticks her tongue out at me, and I crinkle my nose. “No thanks, I use toilet paper.”

Lucy’s face twists with disgust while Sybil and her daughters laugh. Desiree’s tears soften into sniffles. “I am going to regret them learning that one," Sybil admits with a chuckle.

I snort. “Just don’t stick your tongue out at them and you should be fine.”

“Mom, I want to go back to the room,” Desiree whines.

“But I wanna play with Lucy!” Briannica exclaims, hugging her.

“I think we’ve had enough of the pool for now,” Sybil says, getting to her feet. “But would you and your family like to go outto dinner with us tonight? There’s a great restaurant here at the resort called Melusine’s. We could all meet there at eight.”

“Sounds perfect!” I say. I glance at Desiree. “Assuming you feel up for it, of course.”

Desiree looks unsure, but Lucy smiles. “I’ll bring Joe Galaxy! He’s my Sketch Pet and we can draw all over him.”

Desiree’s face lights up. “I have one named Sparkle. They can be friends!”

“Best friends,” Lucy replies, giving her a high five.

“I’ll see you all at eight,” Sybil says, walking off with her kids.

We rush to our rendezvous point in the hotel room to tell Argoss the good news. When he finds out, he’s elated and pulls us into a big bear hug. “I’m so proud of you both.”

I did it. I actually did it!I’m beginning to understand why Argoss enjoys this aspect of business. I feel a little guilty for not being totally honest with Sybil about my intentions, but that’s overshadowed by the exhilaration of getting away with it.

“You should have seen Mom when Desiree got hurt,” Lucy exclaims. “She whipped out a first aid kit like her bag was magic!”

“I’m glad I could be of assistance.”

“You always are,” Argoss says. He takes a step closer, and there’s a look in his eyes I don't quite know how to read. It feels restrained, since Lucy is right there, but still meaningful. A shiver zips down my back, and I have to look away.

“I like Briannica and Desiree,” Lucy says, completely oblivious to the moment that just passed. “They’re funny.”

Argoss clasps Lucy’s arm. “Then they will make for excellent allies in the future.”

We find the Vox’s already waiting at the entrance to Melusine’s. Lucy immediately runs to the girls and as promised, shows Joe Galaxy to Desiree.

“Argoss,” Damien says, shaking his hand. “I didn’t realize you were on your honeymoon. Congratulations on the nuptials and your daughter.” He turns to me. “This must be Felicity. You really helped us out today, so thank you.”

He offers a hand for me to shake, and I take it. “I just did what anyone else would do.” I lean down to Desiree’s level to ask, “How are you feeling?”

Desiree smiles, revealing two missing front teeth. “I’m okay, thank you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. You were very brave.” I offer her a high five, and she slaps my hand. And not to leave Briannica out, I offer her a high five, too. She slaps it with all her childlike might, and I shake the sting from my hands. “Ow, you guys are strong.”

“Your wife is lovely,” Damien says politely.

“You have no idea,” Argoss murmurs back, and my heart flutters.

Over dinner, I can’t help but feel like we’re just as real of a couple as Sybil and Damien. Despite being only a marriage on paper, Argoss listens intently when I talk, and his eyes spark with interest whenever he looks at me. If he’s doing all this to sell the image of a family man, he’s a damn good actor.

But I can’t help hoping there’s something more to it. He’s so good with Lucy, and I know that’s not fake. He cares about her, and maybe he cares just as much about me. Nothing he does makes me feel like I’m the means to an end, and it makes my heart race giddily every time he offers me a bite of his food or laughs at one of my jokes.

I know I’ve fallen for him, and maybe someday, he’ll feel the same way. Maybe at least some part of him already does. A girl can dream, anyway.


