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“Iwon’t stand for this, Argoss!” Cyella’s glare doesn’t scare or fool me. She’s worried, maybe even a little sorry, which is exactly why I lean in close with a scowl of my own. “It’s a matter of –”

I block out her next word because I’m tired of hearing it. If I had an indentured soul for every time the woman uses the word respect, I’d have enough servants to fill a demon king’s stronghold.

I wonder what the price would be to send this hangnail with hair to the underworld. The portals haven’t been open for two centuries, a relatively short amount of time for those like me but just enough for the underworld to feel cramped.

“Nobody’s asking you to,” I growl, glad the pixie cornered me near the bathroom rather than outside with all the guests. “Think of it more like stepping aside.”

I try moving past her and back to my birthday party outside, but Cyella blocks my way with a frail arm. I scowl as she leans against the hallway wall.

“Then give me back the pictures.” Her voice is a whisper, but her tone is anything but frail. “You’re doing a great job provingmy point by taking them in the first place. It’s like you want to bring out the worst in me.”

“Don’t blame me for your envy. It’s not my fault you dropped your guard,” I reply, letting her know I’m well aware that she was working. But Greiko won’t be. Sure, he’ll realize it’s work stuff, but all that means is she still lied. Still snuck around, just not in the worst way.

“It’s comments like that which make people not like you,” she hisses. “The fact that you found anyone ignorant enough to marry –”

My secretary, Eloise, comes through the house with a large, extravagantly wrapped gift, and I move past the pixie toward her.

“Eloise, you are a dream. The wrapping is beautiful.” I try to take it from her, but Cyella’s hand on my arm stops me.

“We’re having a private conversation,” the pixie explains, and I relish the disinterested look the taller, less vengeful super gives my nemesis.

“Then do it somewhere private,” Eloise retorts, shimmying past us without handing over the box. I frown as she continues. This isn’t going to be the escape I was hoping for. “This is a hallway, which in all languages translates to ‘coming through.’”

I remind myself to give Eloise a little more than a thank you card. She gives exceptional presents, plus her being a vampire gives me an excuse to chat with Damien about a gift for her, so a real win-win. While I doubt I’ll be the first person to buy my employee a bottle of quality sun repellant, I’m confident I’ll be the most recent. And whatever brand Damien says is the best, I’ll certainly make sure to thank him for the suggestion.

“I don’t think that’s true,” Cyella offers.

Eloise tilts her head at the other super, and I wonder if she’s recognizing Cyella from her crime blog or popular column.

“Aren’t you that reporter –”

“Don’t tell me you got the second neck massager,” I interrupt, wondering what’s inside and genuine about my concern.

The device I got myself for the office cost a tiny fortune. At least, it would be a small fortune if I were someone else. Someone like Eloise. I sign her paychecks, and I’m comfortable admitting she doesn’t have ‘four-thousand-dollar birthday gift for my boss’ money.

“Oh no, actually, this is a gift for the family,” Eloise says. “Just a little something I picked up thinking of the three of you. Especially the kid.”

Cyella actually has the nerve to scoff at this. And she calls my kind anti-social.

“Genius, Eloise. The ball and chain has been asking for an ice cream maker for weeks,” I explain.

“Felicity has a sweet tooth, too?” Eloise asks.

I nod after a moment's hesitation. I was technically referring to Lucy, who I now realize is not the correct recipient of the human endearment. Cyella’s eye roll confirms this, and so does Eloise’s chuckle. They obviously both noticed the momentary pause.

“Hey, you’ve never had to know what it meant until now,” Eloise offers.

It’s been a long time since an expression revealed my thoughts. I’m normally great at the stone face. But not today. Why? I think back to earlier this morning when I’d used the same phrase with the band. No wonder the lead guitarist looked at me funny.

“I’ve always known what it means. And Felicity does have a sweet tooth.” The second part isn’tnotthe truth. “You’re both just jumping to conclusions.”

Eloise and Cyella share a look, and I’m suddenly the odd man out. Topsiders. They’re all the same. Any chance to gang up onan Underworlder and suddenly everyone’s a peer. The walls feel small around us, and I fight the urge to snap at them both.

“My dear friend, Cyella, is right. Excuse us,” I say, pulling the pixie by the wrist down the hall and off to the side. “Stay out of my relationships and I’ll stay out of yours.”

My words echo off the foyer more than I want them to, but the chatter of the arriving guests drowns out the tone. We separate, and she disappears as I’m greeted with a chorus of ‘happy birthdays.’

Not long after, we rendezvous again at the gift table, where Lucy quickly selects Eloise’s gift as the first to be opened. I shoot a look at Cyella then Greiko, who places his arm around the scowling journalist. I’m happy to see Greiko taking note, too. He looks confused, making me smile as I gesture to Lucy.
