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“That one’s all you,” I tell the girl, who rips it open in one fell swoop, reading the words on the box with wide eyes. “A concentrationary!”

Felicity and the rest of the crowd chuckle, and I take the opportunity to wrap my arm around her and look pleased. Which isn’t hard actually.

“A concessionary!” Eloise corrects.”Popcorn maker, ice cream maker, toaster oven, soda machine, the list goes on and on.”

“All you’ll need is a chocolate and gummy worm maker!” Bo exclaims, a thick ring of cheddar cheese around his mouth, compliments of the kids’ nacho station.

“It does that, too!” Eloise says.

“Well, happy birthday to us!” Lucy exclaims, and I give her an equally excited smile.

“So are you the dessert station now?” Greiko asks, Cyella by his side taking it all in.

The know-it-all no doubt thought I’d be offended by the idea of sharing. Too bad for her, like most things, she’s wrong. What says married and settled like gifts for a family man?

“My youngling makes desserts for no man!”

The guests love my reply, especially the Vox family, who have just gathered around the table. Damien raises his drink to me and I do the same. Fathers with female broods need to stick together.

“Let me regale you all with some meerkat facts!” Lucy pleads and the guests motion for her to continue.

Our safari vacation was the perfect place to finish up our two-week honeymoon. And Lucy was right, sleeping under the stars is more fun in a treehouse. Who knew there were resorts like this? My heir, that’s who.

A budding mage who’s just as curious as she is consistent. To put a treehouse resort on her Christmas wish list not twice but thrice is dedication. It shows me she knows what she wants. And also that her ideas are fun. This isn’t me being preferential, only fair.

“And, they’re immune to venom!” I hear Lucy say. “Who else can say that? I know you can’t, Greiko. Me neither.”

The guests laugh along with Greiko, who’s come over for lunch twice this past week to help Felicity and Lucy with my birthday plans.

I’m glad Felicity and Lucy have managed to enchant Greiko, who’s beginning to think my five-week marriage might actually be a good move. And I agree. My two covers are delightful to be around, especially come mealtime.

Lucy‘s adventurous nature won Felicity over any time the woman balked at a strange dish. Or at anything we happen to be trying. Lucy was a fearless flier.

Felicity understood all the fun once we combined our strengths to weaken her. For a grown woman, my trophy wife is oddly susceptible to two people calling her chicken.

“Look, Argoss.“ Lucy says, pulling me out of my revelry. “This will make perfect blankets for my new meerkat!“

“Less meerkat, more for you,” Felicity says as the rest of us smirk.

“Look at this place!” Lucy gestures to the generous property. “I could have ten meerkats!”

My bride knows she’s lost the support of almost everyone around. “And what do you know?” Felicity says, looking at her bare wrist. “It’s time for cake!”

I let Graham blow out the candles and receive a peck on the cheek from Felicity as a reward. She winks and returns to serving while I contemplate my tingling cheek. Since when did human lips do that?



The party was a resounding success. I feel like we really put on something special for Argoss. But now, all the guests are gone, and the catering staff are clearing away dishes and leftover canape trays. There’s nothing left to do but put Lucy to bed and retire for the night.

Easier said than done.

“Wow. Adults are so weird. You guys are always drinking poison on purpose. For fun!” Lucy giggles as she watches me maneuver up the stairs.

I may have gone a little overboard on the Bee’s Knees. I couldn’t help it! I’d never had a cocktail so sweet and tangy before, I ended up drinking them like they were regular lemonade. Big mistake.

“I’m so sorry, Lucy. I’m sure this is giving you a very bad impression,” I say with guilt.
