Page 5 of Stone Heart

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I'd secretly wished he thought I was dating Marcus, and as much as I respect the man and how much he has supported Beau and me, he's no Cameron Stone. I pull my phone out of my hoody and gear up my music, choosing acoustic artists, and relax back in my chair. My mind wants to drift off to my college days, but I don't allow it, as they were a lie. I was a sick joke to them all, a weird experiment.

Who could make the nerd fall for the hot guy?

I had fallen fast, then even harder when I'd caught him with Sarah Daniels. I’d fallen into a humiliated depression. I blink my eyes shut and force my mind to focus on work. I've got so much to do tomorrow after I drop Beau off for her induction. I need to head over to the shop and stack the rest of the shelves and inventory before I open at the end of the month. I sit out for another hour, lost in thought, worrying about the shop, but mainly I'm imagining Cam in his polo shirt and tan legs on show. I force myself up and lock the back door before heading straight to bed. The wine helps me sleep.


I groan loudly, then paste on a smile. Beau stands at the side of my bed. She scrambles on, and I pull her in for a squeeze. Her little hands push and pull at my hair strewn everywhere.

“Where are you?” she huffs, and I laugh, lifting up and pouting for a kiss. She giggles and kisses me quickly.

“Let's go to the park,” she suggests, pulling my arm. I prise my eyes open further and see that it's only a quarter to six.

“At six?” I mutter.

“Oh.” She flops down on the bed and sighs.

“We just need thicker curtains,” I tell her sleepily. “Mummy will order you some curtains, okay?”

“Unicorns!” she squeals, and I pull a pillow and cover my eyes and ears. The pillow lifts and her little giggle makes me smile. “Hello in there!”

“Boo!” I jump, and she screams before dropping back on a loud laugh. I tickle her and pull her in so I can kiss her cheek. “Come on, early bird, let's get up. Waffles?” I ask, yawning. We take it easy and eat breakfast out in the back garden on the old table that was my dad's. It reminds me of when I was a child. I tell Beau stories of me when I was her age, and she eats it up like her sticky breakfast.

“A swing in the tree… Can I have one?” she asks. I nod over my fruit. Her little face drops. “I miss Pop Pop,” she says quietly.

“Me too,” I say, rubbing her hand. “He loved you lots and lots, Beau. He misses you too. It's good to miss people because then we remember how much we love them.”

“And I love Pop Pop as much as I love unicorns!” Her grin is infectious and with syrup dripping off her chin. Losing my father has been so hard on us both. His death gave me the push to fight for what I want for my little girl. Even if it means facing my past, I owe it to Beau as much as my father.

“Are you ready for summer club?” I say excitedly. I plaited her hair on request, and she is wearing her favourite sequin t-shirt and denim shorts.

She nods, licking the spoon clean. “Can I have a clip in my hair?”

“Sure, let me wash up, then we can find a clip.”

“This one.” She holds up a unicorn one. I laugh and take it from her, leaning over to clip it in. Her smile is wide, and I sigh happily. I've got my little girl, and that's all that matters.

We arrive a few minutes early to the summer club at the village hall, so I quickly check over the paperwork, my eyesstaring long and hard at the parent guardianship details. It's just me in there, always has been and more than likely always will, but I know the questions will linger when I drop her off, but I’m not ready to discuss my life and personal choices with them. Beau unclips her belt and we exit the car, excited for her first session. I help her put her backpack on, and she grips my hand, throwing me a nervous smile. “You will do great. Everyone will love you,” I say honestly. It's busy inside but not too loud, and most children are already sucked into an activity. Beau points at a huge doll house. “You'll have the best day,” I tell her.

“This must be Beau?” Claire, the summer club owner, smiles and waves at Beau, who thrusts her face into the back of my knee.

“Yes, this is, and she's not nearly this shy. We have a unicorn fan here. Do you have any unicorns at the club?” I ask.

“Hello Beau, I'm Claire. It’s lovely to meet you.”

“Hello.” My daughter's soft voice melts my heart.

“We do have unicorns here, in fact, one just like your pretty clip,” she tells Beau, who lights up. “Let's go and have a look and your mum and I can have a quick chat.” Beau takes my hand, and we follow Claire through to a quieter area where my girl is given a big fluffy unicorn toy. She drops down on the floor and begins chatting away to herself.

“Here are the forms. No known allergies and she is pretty good with most foods,” I say, handing them over.

“Most snacks are fruit or vegetables. This is great.” Her eyes skim the form, and she takes a second look. I know she is wondering why I have listed no family or father on the emergency contacts. I am the only parent Beau has. My mother lives too far away to help in emergencies.

“So I just stay for a few minutes, then leave you to get on?” I ask her. I have a moment of indecisiveness where I worry about leaving Beau, not because I don’t trust Claire or the club,but because since we lost my father this year, she has become quite clingy. I say as much to Claire under my breath, who nods in understanding. I have prepped Beau, so I do what I planned and kneel down. “I’m going to pop to work now for a little bit, but I will be back soon, okay, just like we spoke about?” There is a flash of panic on her little face, and my body goes stiff with concern, but as soon as it was there, it is gone when a ruckus behind us has Beau standing up and peering past me. Children are screaming excitedly and laughing, and my eyes lock on Cameron growling and stomping after a little girl I recognise from the fete.

He pins her down and showers her with kisses, and my heart clenches painfully. “Right, squirt, I love you. Be good, and I'll come to get you later.” He ruffles her hair playfully, and she tickles under his chin. He drops down on a fake whine, and the girl pounces on him, as do a few others. I'm smiling before I realise who I'm smiling at, but I drop my gaze and kiss Beau. “See, you'll have the best time!” I repeat. Beau nods, and I get away whilst she seems relaxed. I slip by and stiffen when Cam clocks me. I walk faster, but he is hot on my heel. I try not to look back, but when I do, Beau's little lip is quivering. I rush out and head for my car.

“Hey, Hol, everything all right?” His deep voice sends a spray of shivers over my body. I keep my face forward and unlock my car, trying to get in, but his hand captures my wrist and pulls me his way.
