Page 107 of My Instant Karma

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“So I can dole out untimely death sentences for you?” I growl out. “No matter what I do, I will die, either with my soul intact or severely damaged by the acts you will force me to commit. Then you will gobble up whatever’s left.” I suck in another breath. “But you don’t even have a right to issue retributions to humans! It’s against the laws of karma.”

Dante’s eyes bulge at my claim.

“You aren’t meant to kill. That’s Death’s job.” I narrow my eyes. “I won’t cheat him and do it for you.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’ve helped kill someone for me before.” Karma smirks, gloating that I’m her puppet.

A psychic knowing floods my senses. She has gone against cosmic law and killed before. I realize I know one of her victims.

“Did you…” I begin, not really wanting to know for certain who she means, but I have to hear it from her.

“Yes, your mother.”

Without thinking, I launch myself at the goddess who towers over me. It’s a useless and stupid move. How can I harm something like her?

She flicks me away, and I crash into the wall.

“Why?” I ask, tears falling from the pain.

“I had to get you on my team. Your mother’s death set off a chain reaction that changed the course of your life.” Karma arches her brow flippantly. “It wasn’t like your mother didn’t deserve her karma.”

“How dare you?” I scream. “You don’t get to decide life and death, especially not to get whatyouwant.” My vision is blurry, and it turns red. “You aren’t even a real goddess!” I spit.

Apparently, that’s the last insult she’s willing to indulge.

Instant Karma rushes at Dante, pinning him against the wall by his neck.

His face turns purple when he can no longer breathe, and he grasps at her hands to pull them away, but it’s no use. She has the strength of a goddess even though she’s only a half-assed one.

I jump onto her back, wondering if I can weaken her like I did with the energy vampire, and I focus on seeing Instant Karma with my third eye.

I open my eyes with my enhanced perception and squint against the harsh, blinding light emanating from her. My astral hands reach out to pull on her energy and steal it from her.

Karma rages with anger and maybe even fear. I grab a bit of her power, and with it, I pull more into myself.

Kurtis and Evan both crash into Karma, but she’s no slouch and flings them away without visible effort.

Karma reaches behind her and grabs me, pulling me in front of her, then she pins me against the wall next to Dante.

I yank on her power again. She flinches and tosses Dante aside to focus on me.

For some strange reason, my panic subsides. Maybe it’s because Dante is no longer in her clutches.

Since I can’t breathe, I see dark spots as I begin to pass out. It will be over soon. This is how I’ll die, but maybe if I die now, she will let the others go unharmed.

Then Dante jumps up, grabs a chair, and smashes it over Instant Karma’s back.

She doesn’t even move a millimeter. With a flick of her finger, she smashes him against the table and he flips over it to the other side.

I can’t surrender to death now. All I can think about is getting to Dante and seeing if he’s alright. I doubt he will be. He hasn’t reappeared over the table, recovering from that fall. His back cracked hard against the table. Would my healing ability be enough to heal whatever injuries he has?

I tug on her power again, but it’s too little too late. I slump in her grasp, my arms dangling at my sides.

In my altered out-of-body state, I watch my body fall to the floor when she lets go of me.

Instantly, I’m at Dante’s side, watching his life essence slowly separate from his body.

“No!” I cry out, but my voice is only in astral form. “Where are you, Death? You said you would give me a choice!”
