Page 110 of My Instant Karma

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“Then go heal and know that I will always love you.”

Suddenly, the room seems to collapse in on itself.

Looking at the deities for understanding, I see a flicker of the universe in Carmen’s eyes and in the shadows of Death’s hood.

Everything turns dark.



When I regain consciousness, I’m back in my body. Miraculously, I don’t hurt, not even a bruised throat from where Instant Karma squeezed the life out of me.

I tentatively wiggle my fingers and crack open my eyes.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I’m in my room at Instant Karma’s barracks. I jolt upright, confused.

Was the confrontation with Karma a dream?

I look at the other side of my bed, hoping Dante will be there, but I’m alone.


If he chose the afterlife, I hope he isn’t upset that I wasn’t able to take him there. At least, I don’t remember delivering him to the portal of life and death.

What about the others? Kurtis and Evan? Are any of them alive?

I push off the bed and run into the hallway, crashing through Dante’s door. I’m terrified I will find the room empty, but I have to check.

Dante is lying in bed, but he isn’t awake or moving. I rush to his side to see if he’s alive.

He’s breathing, and I kiss the corner of his mouth in sheer joy.

“Dante?” I call.

He blinks his eyes open and gently smiles when he sees me. His hand reaches out and cups my jaw. “Tessa.”

I lean down and kiss him again.

Dante chuckles. “I’m Sleeping Beauty.”

I shake my head. “With your dark hair and red lips, I would say Snow White.”

“Come here, Princess Charming.” Dante pulls me down on top of him.

I luxuriate in his warm caresses for a moment, then I have to break the spell and ask, “What’s going on? Am I crazy? You remember confronting Instant Karma and dying, right?”

He sighs. “I do. I was wondering the same thing.”

“Why would we still be here, of all places?”

“Why wouldIbe here?” he asks. “I was ready to move on if I couldn’t have you.”

We both sense a presence at Dante’s doorway, and we turn our heads to see who it is.

“Carmen!” I jump off of Dante to focus on the goddess. “What’s going on? Why are you here? Why arewehere?”

“I will explain everything. Meet me in the dining hall in a few minutes.” Carmen grins reassuringly. “And the name is Karma.”
