Page 19 of My Instant Karma

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Kurtis pinches his nose. “I was wondering when you’d finally get around to that.”

“Yeah, I don’t go ripe as fast as a guy does, so shush up.” I push his shoulder as I pass by to go upstairs.

I haven’t used the communal bathroom yet, so I don’t know what to expect.

I grab clean underwear, a new top, and pants. I didn’t bring a towel from home, as I was banking on them being provided.

My imagination envisions a dirty pit of a bathroom, but instead, it’s the nicest bathroom I’ve ever used. There are a few sinks on the counter, and I suppose it makes sense to have multiples for shaving men to clean up at the same time.

There is a separate toilet room with its own sink. Convenient, but I still don’t want to use it when they are in the main bathroom.

The shower stall is humongous, and several showerheads line the far wall. A glass brick wall barely obscures the view in and out of the shower area.

Communal showers?

I guess if I want privacy, I will have to plan for it. With their ability to read my thoughts,doI have privacy anymore? However, I notice they don’t seem to readallmy thoughts.

There are caddies for bathing products on the counter. One is empty and has my name on it. I run my finger over the label and sigh.

Do I want this life? It doesn’t feel like much of one. I have always been independent to the point of ridiculousness, scraping my way through life since I ran away from home at sixteen. I used my psychic ability to make a buck. It was hustling, yeah, and not the most virtuous profession, but I’ve given good advice to those I thought deserved it. Was I playing out my version of instant karma then?

I try to lock the bathroom door, but there aren’t any locks. Karma really is a bitch.

I strip off my shirt and pants and realize I forgot my shampoo in my room. Instead of going back, I inspect the caddies for something I can use.

Dante’s caddy has a brand I like. I pull out the container and sniff the contents. His lovely aroma of sandalwood and cloves fills my senses.

The door opens. “Wow. Didn’t expect to find you half naked sniffing my stuff.”

I toss the shampoo down like it’s a live snake, and I blush guiltily, but then I remember he knew I was about to shower and came in here anyway.

“What do you want?” I growl, not covering up my body since I’m wearing a bra and underwear. It’s nothing anyone wouldn’t see at the beach.

“I wanted to shower too.” He moves closer, reaching around me for his caddy.

I don’t move, holding my breath as he stands a molecule away from me.

“Do you want to share?” he asks. “I can help you with the hard to reach places.”

“Nah, I’m good.” Without showering, I scoop up my caddy and clothes and leave the room.

Tromping down the hall, I’m confronted with unfamiliar faces—in my underwear.Awesome.

“Well, what do we have here?” a wickedly attractive woman says with smug amusement. She is almost a photocopy of Karma, but she doesn’t have the same intense allure or power of the goddess—not that this woman isn’t trying, because she is, but she only gets a B for effort.

A tall, striking man strolls up behind her. “Looks like a walk of shame.”

“Dante probably broke her in.” The woman appraises me, and says, “Don’t count on seconds, honeypot. He’s a one and done kind of guy.”

My skin itches with their assumptions about me. “Thanks for the heads-up, but I don’t need it. I left him in the bathroom with his soap and his hand for company.”

The two cackle, and she raises an eyebrow. “Youturnedhimdown?”

I sigh. Sure, I know Dante is way,wayout of my league, like I’m not even in the parking lot of his team’s stadium, but I don’t need this crap. I glare. “Are we done with this catty bullshit?”

“Meow,” she says, and then saunters off. Her man follows, inspecting me as they continue down the hallway to one of the bedrooms.

Kurtis and Evan now reach the top of the stairs.Great. Apparently, I can’t catch a break. I debate dashing to my room to avoid them, but it seems worse to do that.
