Page 24 of My Instant Karma

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“Don’t worry, I’ll give you some more later.”

“That felt good,” I murmur as I slide down the headboard until I’m curled up in bed. I close my eyes, wanting to bask in the good vibes.

Dante doesn’t move from his seat on the edge of the mattress. I don’t even mind if he’s watching me. I’m riding a high from the healing, and I don’t really care about anything.

After a few minutes, he asks, “Why did someone want you dead?”

I groan. Iwasenjoying myself. Why does he have to ask now? “Long story.”

“You aren’t going anywhere, are you?” Dante counters.

“Shouldn’t you know? You can read my mind.”

“Not all the time. You are blocking me,” he admits.

“Good.” I open my eyes to finally look at him. “I forgot what being around another psychic was like.”

“You knew a lot of psychics? Were you a professional reader?” His expression is open and earnest, but I’m not sure if it’s a trap. I shrug off the worry. I have to live as if everything is a trap.

“Yeah.” I narrow my eyes. “You?”

“No.” Dante looks away, studying the empty wall. “Before Karma’s upgrade, I was just intuitive. I could read people’s body language and feel their needs, but not see the future or auras. I also couldn’t hear someone’s thoughts.”

“And now, as an agent, you can?”

“We can see a few minutes into thepotentialfuture,” Dante explains, “and we can read atarget’sthoughts.”

“Wait, so the only reason you can read my thoughts is becauseI’mthe target?”

He smiles and hedges, “But you have powers of your own.”

“I wouldn’t call them powers, per se. When I’m performing a reading, I can lock onto a potential outcome for someone. Unfortunately, I don’t see much for myself or people close to me. However, I can usually see a person’s weaknesses and strengths, but the rest is hit or miss. I might see their past. With a client, I’ve had messages come through for them. It seems to come from beyond me, and I can sense when bad things are about to happen. I sense when death is close, but like tonight, I don’t know what direction it’ll be coming from. Sometimes I can pick up when someone nearby is going to die soon. I also feel mass tragedies. Those are the hardest.”

“Damn.” Dante sighs. “So it isn’t a very reliable power.”

“Not at all. Besides, with my psychic curse, I’ve seen so much ugliness in people that I kind of hate having it.”

“People aren’t all ba—”

“Save it!” I snap. “I don’t need a pep talk about kittens and good deeds.” I sit up and wince but push through the discomfort. I bump him with my leg so he will move out of my way, but he doesn’t budge.

“Just rest,” he orders. “I’ll leave you alone for now.”



Some rest does me good, along with Dante sneaking back into his room to give me additional treatments.

This time, I finally crack my eyes open when Dante pops back in. I risk a careful stretch, but it doesn’t hurt.

His searching eyes cautiously take me in, then his gaze drops to my neck. “Your throat has a lot of bruising, but I didn’t want you to wake up with my hands around your neck.”

“Considerate.” I grimace, thinking of how I might have reacted to that.

“Do you want me to take care of it?” he asks, stepping closer.

I imagine how it would look to have bruises on my neck. It would draw a lot of unwanted attention. “Ugh. Probably should.” I sit and pull my hair out of the way.

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