Page 28 of My Instant Karma

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I make it halfway through the track where the trees are thick and dense when I sense Kurtis’s energy. He’s ahead of me. I expect he will wait for me to pass and then attack me from behind.

I’m wrong.

He charges right at me head-on. I dip and weave under his outstretched arms to avoid his intended bear hug. I make it another ten feet before I feel him on my heels.

I veer to my right, deviating from the well-worn trail. That move throws him off, earning me another second, but now I’m speeding along uneven ground.

Tree roots and fallen leaves obscure the dangers underfoot, and my step lands in a hole just big enough for me to trip and wrench my ankle. I tumble to the ground.

Kurtis is on top of me in the next second. “Got you.”

My ankle throbs, and I push on his shoulders. “Great, now get off.”

Instead of moving away, he makes himself more comfortable on top of me. “So you’re screwing Dante?”

“What the hell?” I shove him again. “Knock it off!”

“You are supposed to evade me.” Kurtis captures my wrists and holds me down.

“Please, let me go,” I beg.

“Make me,” he orders.

Fear then rage fill my senses. I feel a brewing tornado inside me, and I imagine it forcing Kurtis away from me.

A force explodes out of me, knocking Kurtis several feet away and into a tree.

I jump up and test my ankle. It’s tender but I use it anyway, and I run, cutting across the estate instead of following the track to where Dante and Evan wait for me.

I collapse on the ground when my ankle finally gives out.

Dante rushes over to inspect the damage, already pouring healing energy into it before Evan says anything.

“Good job,” Evan congratulates me.

“Screw you,” I snap and swallow down the horrid mix of fear and anger.

Dante’s eyes narrow. “What happened?”

Kurtis appears from the clearing and swaggers over.

“Nothing.” I brush Dante’s hand away from my ankle. “Lesson learned.”

Kurtis acts as if he hadn’t just attacked me. “She blasted me!” he says excitedly.

“Seriously?” Evan glances down at me. “How did you do that?”

“Asshole pissed me off,” I grumble.

“But how?” Dante prompts.

“I was scared and then raging mad. It felt like there was a tornado inside me, and then it burst out and hit Kurtis.”

Again, Kurtis’s face lights up like Santa Claus has entered the building. “She knocked me ten feet away!”

“Damn.” Evan rubs his chin, watching me.

“What? Is that not a thing you all can do?”
