Page 27 of My Instant Karma

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I wiggle to break free, but he pins me to the hard kitchen floor with little effort.

My lungs freeze, and I gasp for air.

Dante sees my emotional state. “Get off her.”

“She needs to learn her lesson,” Evan snaps. “Your job isn’t to protect her.”

My breath comes in short hiccups.

“Stop it. Now!” Dante pulls Evan off me.

Evan knocks Dante’s hand away and spins on him, grabbing Dante’s collar. “What is your problem?”

Scrambling away, I watch Kurtis get in Dante’s face to back Evan up.

“Stop thinking with your cock,” Kurtis snarls.

“I’m not!” Dante shouts. “She’s been through a lot.”

He doesn’t reveal that it’s more than last night’s incident that has me rattled, and I appreciate that he keeps my confidence.

“Stop fighting.” I stand up, brushing off imaginary dirt. “I’ll be okay. I just wasn’t prepared to be attacked again.”

“Too soon?” Kurtis jokes angrily.

I suck in a deep breath. “Yes, it is, but I’ll get changed. We can do whatever stupid training you have in store for me now that I know to expect bodily harm.”

“Did I hurt you?” Evan asks, his voice softer now.

“Nah. I’m just still sore from my injuries, but mostly, I was triggered since I almost died last night.” I glance at his body. “What about you?”

“You got in some good hits.” Evan smiles encouragingly. “But we need to teach you a few defensive moves and make them instinctive, and get your running speed up. Personally, I recommend getting out of a situation by not getting in one.”

“Like this?” I flip him off and walk out of the room.

* * *

When I return, Evan leads me to the back of the house and outside. “Ten laps around the perimeter,” he barks.

“How long is that?” I survey the estate in disbelief.

“The estate is roughly five acres, so… about three and a half miles.” He waves his hand toward my feet, indicating that I’m not running. “I will add a lap for every moment you delay.”

Surrendering to my fate, I begin a slow jog. When I come around to my starting location, Evan has me stretch a bit and gives me some water, then he sends me on my way. After the first mile, I’m winded, and sweat-drenched hair clings to my forehead.

At the end of my second mile, I’m dragging my feet. I haven’t exercised regularly in years.

“One more lap to go,” Evan informs me as I pass. “And fair warning, Kurtis is hunting you now.”

I come to a full stop. “What?”

“Kurtis will attack you somewhere on the trail. Evade him.”


“No arguments.” Evan points to the trail ahead of me.

I don’t even have the breath to argue. My adrenaline begins to pump as I run, and the threat has cleared my head a bit. Kurtis thinks I’m getting special treatment from Dante, so who knows what he will do if he catches me.
