Page 33 of My Instant Karma

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After an embrace, I walk out of Carmen’s shop to face an edgy Evan. “Well?” His voice betrays his worry that I’m about to ruin his life. If Iamsome sort of wild card, I have probably already ruined it.

“I don’t want to discuss it out in the open,” I whisper.

“Tessa…” His voice is tight.

“Tonight, after I prepare a place.” That assurance seems to put him at ease—well, not at ease, but he drops the subject.

“So what next?” I ask jauntily. “Do I get to see you in action again? Going to rough up another abuser?” I hold out my hands like a boxer, playfully bouncing on the balls of my feet.

“I’ve got something for you.” He winks at me, and for a moment, it feels like a date.

We drive a few minutes through town to a mom-and-pop convenience store. Evan parks across the street. “Wait,” he says as I reach for the car door handle.

“Is there a lot of waiting around for this job?”

“More than I’d like.” He looks over at me. “It helps when I have pleasant company.”

“Is it mostly just the three of you?” I remember the two other agents from the day before. “Do you ever work with the others at the barracks?”

“I don’t, but there’s no rule about it.”

“Do you socialize with the others?”

“We have a bit. I’m not fond of most of them.”

“Do you like Dante and Kurtis?” I ask.

“I wouldn’t have hung out with them before this job, but I suppose I’ve become used to them. They have become like…cousinsto me.”

“Only cousins.” I chuckle. “High praise.”

“Coming from me? It is.” He grins seductively. “I only give out praise when it’s deserved.”

I eye him. He’s very much the sexy professor type, with an extra dash of control issues, and I believe he’s hinting that he’s a dom in the bedroom. It’s probably hard for him to be paired with a womanizing surfer dude and a macho jock who both seem to be hard to wrangle.

“But do you trust them?” I ask with all seriousness.

If Evan doesn’t trust his team, then why should I share my secrets with either of them or him? People who don’t trust often can’t be trusted themselves. I should know. Besides, it might get me killed if I open up to the wrong people.

“I…” He hesitates. “I believe I do. They can be jerks, mostly Kurtis, but that’s the job description. We are all a bit broken.”

“Even you?” I’m surprised he’s admitting this to me—a virtual stranger.

“I have my flaws, my weaknesses, but if I give my word, I don’t go back on it. It’s the one thing I’ve done right in my life.”

I have a million questions, but I refrain from asking about his past or using my powers to read him. I can’t afford to playI’ll show you mine, and you show me yourssecret past edition right now.

“Can I trust them withme?” I say it with emphasis so he will know I’m referring to my powers.

“They both already knowyou.” The intensity of his stare increases. “But I will back whatever you decide to do from now on.”

“Thanks.” I bite my lip as I think, then ask, “Even if that means cuttingyouout?”

His jaw tightens, and he slides his gaze back to our targets across the street. “I won’t like it.”

“Control issues?”
