Page 41 of My Instant Karma

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“Yeah.” I brush my skirt down. “Maybe we should go.”

He studies my face, searching for something he doesn’t see. I’ve walled up sweet, flirty Tessa and locked my heart away again.



“You ready?” Evan asks me after breakfast. I nod, and Evan sweeps his arm out. “Lead the way.”

Both Dante and Kurtis appear confused as I head toward the backdoor with Evan in tow. “If you don’t want to be a part of my situation, then you should stay here. Curiosity killed the cat and all that,” I tell them.

Evan is already a step ahead of me, and Dante follows me.

Kurtis curses and hurries to catch up. “Let’s aim for not getting killed,” he mutters.

“Stop being such an asshole, and I’ll consider it.” I arch an eyebrow.

He grumbles, and Dante punches his shoulder. “Dial it back, dude.”

I lead them all the way to the other lot without another word, my nerves rattled from a restless sleep.

Should I even trust these guys?

I barely know them. Sure, the last few days feel like an eternity, but even people you love and trust often betray you. It’s unlikely, however, that I will figure out what my powers are without some help.

When I was here earlier, I rolled a couple of logs into the center for seating. Evan claims the spot next to me, and Dante narrows his eyes at Evan and then sits across from me next to Kurtis.

“What’s going on?” Dante asks, glancing between Evan and me.

“Yeah. Why are we all the way out here?” Kurtis picks at the bark under him.

“I warded this small area from supernatural entities,” I announce.

“How the hell do you know how to do that?” Kurtis barks out the question. “I thought you didn’t know anything about gods and goddesses.”

“I knew that paranormal stuff existed, just not that there are living gods walking around Earth!” I snap back. “I’m not a complete newb when it comes to metaphysics. I am a trained reader.” Taking in a deep breath, I compose myself. “My teacher gave me this spell.”

Fortunately, Kurtis seems to be appeased by my explanation.

“I happened to speak with my mentor yesterday.” I keep it vague since it doesn’t seem like Evan wants them to know about his visits to her before. “She advised me to discover all my abilities and catalog them, and maybe from that list, I would see a pattern revealingwhatI am.”

“Why should we listen to this teacher?” Kurtis asks.

“Because now that I know gods and goddesses are real, I have a feeling my teacher is more than a mere human with some impressive psychic abilities.”

Evan’s eyes widen in surprise at my conclusion about Carmen, but he doesn’t comment.

“If she is something more, then can you trust that she has your best interests in mind?” Dante asks as he wrings his hands together.

“No. I can’t trust anyone, not completely.” I shrug. “No offense, but present company included.”

Evan and Dante don’t argue, but of course Kurtis does. “Then why are you telling us and bringing me into this?”

“Because I need help to discover where my power comes from or what I can do. My teacher insinuated that Karma harms her people. It tracks from what you told me, and is it true that there aren’t any older agents?”

They all sit quietly, absorbing what I have said.

Then Evan pipes up. “No matter what Karma’s big picture is, she was very insistent on getting you on the payroll. I was surprised when we were told to go after you when you tried to escape. She wants you more than I have ever seen her want someone before. Now, with your unusual abilities, it makes me wonder what she wants with you.”
