Page 45 of My Instant Karma

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Evan cocks a brow and grins wickedly. “Such a good pet.”

Kurtis bolts from the floor and chases Evan around the room.

I look at Dante. “Are they always this entertaining?”

“Nah, I think you bring out our playful side.”

“Come on,” I say, watching Kurtis tackle Evan to the ground. “I’m sure that’s an exaggeration.”

“Sure, we poke fun at each other, but it feels lighter now.”


Evan and Kurtis jog back to me.

“Now, it’s break time.” Evan tilts his head in the kitchen’s direction. “I brought food.”

There’s a wide variety of Chinese dishes in their tubs, and they pile their plates high—boy, these men can eat—then we head to the living room.

The two of the other agents I ran into before are already in here, and all four of us stop in our tracks. Tension buzzes in the air.

Okay, good. I’m not the only one who doesn’t particularly care for these two.

“What’s up, himbos?” the woman says. “And bimbette.”

“Yeah, girl power,” I say sarcastically.

Kurtis sniffs the air. “It smells in here. Maybe we should go somewhere without assholes.”

“Honey-butt, you can’t get away from yourself,” the woman retorts.

Evan leads us down the hall to a room I haven’t seen yet—the formal dining room.

It’s immaculate and obviously meant for Karma’s theoretical visits.

We sit feeling a bit deflated.

“Lovely people,” I comment.

“Chara is a dick, and William’s a brat. We just avoid the rest of the household,” Kurtis explains.

“Noted.” I wave my chopsticks at them. “There’shistorythere?”

All three of them clamp their mouths tightly shut. My instincts tell me all three had a round with her. “I don’t care that you sampled thatlovelywoman, but just know that if you ever need a shoulder to cry on,I’mnotthat person.”

They don’t comment and look chagrined.

“She dumped your asses, and now you’re pouting,” I surmise.

“I dumped her.” Dante shoves some noodles into his mouth.

“That explains her one and done comment.”

“Shesaidthat to you?” Dante huffs. “It wasn’t like that. I just realized it was a mistake.”

“Because you are coworkers?”

“No, because she’smessed up.”
