Page 46 of My Instant Karma

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I don’t ask what that means, but I wonder how messed up someone has to be for Dante to think so.

I eat my food, wondering how screwed up I seem to them. I might not be messed up in the same way as Chara is, but I have a full set of baggage, overflowing with pain, poor decisions, questionable morals, and trust and abandonment issues galore.

“Has anything come up for a job tonight?” Evan asks.

Dante and Kurtis shake their heads.

“Which reminds me, here’s your new phone.” He pulls a brand-spanking-new phone from his pocket and tosses it to me. “Yours fell into a puddle when that thug attacked you.”

I catch the new phone, open it up to contacts, and see it’s already programmed with their numbers under Hot-as-sin, Chuckles, and Hot Professor. I smile to myself then frown. “Billy somehow tracked me with my old one anyway.”

“That’s how that thug found you?” Evan frowns.

“He implied it, but I got that burnerafterI got my new ID and left my last town.” I poke my food. “So… I’m not sure how Billy found me, even when he was outside my apartment.”

“I have a bad feeling,” Evan says.

“Karma leaked your location,” Dante theorizes. “It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

Evan clenches his fist around his chopsticks. “No more talk about this unless we are in our secure location.”

“The club?” I smile as I label our warded circle.

“I like it, and since we will be going at night, it makes sense.”

“What time are we meeting at the club?”

Dante’s phone pings as does Evan’s. “Crap. We got another job for tonight.”

“Looks like you and I get to play, precious.” Kurtis waggles his eyebrows.



I’m nervous about being alone with Kurtis in my warded circle where no one can see us. He’s rough around the edges and has already been aggressive with me, but I determine this is a good time to feel him out one-on-one before I reveal any more secrets about my powers.

Besides, if anyone is going to trigger me into discovering another power, it’s probably going to be him—not to mention I can blast him away from me if I’m properly provoked.

The moon is just bright enough that we don’t have to use flashlights to walk out to our spot. The city lights illuminate the mist from the ocean, creating a beautiful ambient glow.

Kurtis appears softer in this lighting, but I can’t be fooled into thinking he’s truly a friend.

Once we step into the circle, we sit down on the logs.

“I feel your anxiety,” he says.

“Is that your superpower?”

“Nah, but my intuition has always been good at picking up on fear.”

“Did you abuse that ability?”

“I suppose I did, and that’s why Karma came for me.” He snaps a branch and tosses it into the sandy dirt.

“You don’t like me much, do you?” I ask.

My mind flashes to his fondness for Dante, but especially for Evan. I file away his possible interest in them for future reference.
