Page 52 of My Instant Karma

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They spend the next several days getting me in shape, which mostly includes me alone on a treadmill. No one wants to risk working on my defensive moves and have me knock them into any more trees. I haven’t returned to the warded spot either with or without the guys.

At this point, I’m going through the motions, and putting up my usual protective walls so I won’t be hurt when this all falls apart.

The image of Kurtis dying in my arms torments me. Besides, I don’t think my energy has truly returned from when I drained myself trying to heal his injuries.

Occasionally, I pass Chara and William in the halls. We don’t interact other than a nod in greeting.

I discover the other team consists of a woman and two guys. Dante begrudgingly introduces me to Trent, Steven, and Heather. They do little more than mutter a greeting and move on. Apparently, my sparkling personality doesn’t inspire them to speak to me.

I go on some jobs, usually with Evan. We have a few group outings, and I fall back on my smart ass side to get me through it. Even though I’m sure the guys sense I’m not completely okay, they don’t mention it. Perhaps all karma agents have a difficult adjustment time, and this is mine with an added bonus of my scary power.

Dante has been called away quite a lot to do solo jobs, more than the other two, which is fine by me. I need to create a bit of distance after our weirdly intimate night.

Fortunately, I don’t have to be the awkward one for a change, that is… until one night when Dante catches me on the way to my room.

“Do you have a minute?” he asks, looking shyer than I ever thought possible.

“Uh, yeah, what’s up?” I stop and stare up at him, intending to keep the conversation in the hallway.

Dante glances around at the other doors. “In private,” he whispers.

I swallow hard and then lead him to my room. It’s a mess. In my depression, I have neglected my space. I quickly grab a bunch of my laundry and toss it in my hamper for Greta to wash. I still feel weird about that service. It feels wrong to let a stranger fold my undies.

As I sit down, I watch him expectantly and indicate my desk chair for his use.

“Have you been avoiding me?” He doesn’t sound angry, just disappointed.

Apparently, my evasion has been noticed. “You’ve been working solo a lot, if you remember,” I hedge, brushing him off.

“Yeah, but you keep your energy closed off and hardly say anything to me when I am around.”

“I hardly say much to anyone. It’s kind of my jam.”

Dante ruffles his thick, black hair, and the lighter brown highlights catch the light in the room. “Yeah. I suppose.”

“Look, we had an intense moment when I had my meltdown,” I say, trying my best to sound rational. “I appreciate you pulling me out of that dark place, but I don’t understand what you expect from me now. I’m not going to chase you around like a puppy, begging for your attention.”

“I didn’t say I wanted that!” he replies with a bit of heat.

“Then what?” I throw my hands in the air. “Are you just annoyed that I didn’t have sex with you? Not used to being denied entry?”

“What?” He stands, his hands clenching at his sides.

I’m pissed that he said it didn’t have to be weird, and now he isn’t letting me just be me—withdrawn but safe.

“Seriously?” He steps closer. “That’s what you think?”

“Why else would you want to talk with me privately in my room?” I narrow my eyes at him. “Fine. Let’s get it over with. One and done, right?” I pull on my pants, but he stops me.

“Why are you acting like this?” There’s a fire in his gaze. He’s angry that I’m calling him out, but instead of yelling at me and lashing out, he pulls me into a hug. “I want nothing you aren’t willing to give, so if you don’t want my friendship, then I will leave you alone. I believe, at the very least, you need a friend.”

I allow the embrace because, damn, it feels so good to be held. With my psychic senses, I don’t pick up any creepy vibes.

He releases me. “You aren’t happy with this job, but it doesn’t have to be all bad living here.”

I take a couple of deep breaths. What’s going on? Does he really want to be my friend?

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