Page 60 of My Instant Karma

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“What happened to you?” Dimples asks. His voice is full of need, like he’s aroused by hearing my sad story.

“It’s my fault my mom is dead.” I never admitted that out loud to anyone, so it’s strange that I finally admit it to a stranger in a closet. Sure, I had many clients who told me too much, butIam not like that.

“And then what?” His fingers trail down my neck and dip between my breasts.

“My father abused me. I ran away from home, but things weren’t much better on the streets.”

Dimples presses up against me as if this turns him on, and his hardness confirms he is.

A buzzing in the back of my head warns me.

I push him, but he doesn’t budge.

Something’s incredibly wrong.

I gather up all my strength, which isn’t much at the moment, and I open my third eye—my second sight. I don’t like to do this, because seeing into people is a dangerous gift. More often than not, I don’t like what I see.

I don’t like what I see now.

Dimples is a swirling black and red mass. He doesn’t even have a proper aura. He doesn’t glow like a normal human.

When I look closer, I see dim lights inside him. My instincts tell me they aren’t his. I look down and see my aura being siphoned into him. He is literally draining my soul.Shit, that’s what the other lights are—souls. People he has drained.

“You are delicious,” he whispers. “So full of pain and power. You will keep me fed for a while.”

My knees give out.

He catches me, bracing me against the wall. “You are so pathetic. There is so much inside you, and you didn’t try to claim it.”

How dare he berate me? He knows nothing of my life or my journey. Being broken and getting up and hoping for a better dayisstrength. I have been beaten down all my life, and I’m not about to go out like this—drained by a true energy vampire.

Rage churns inside me, and all the hatred I feel for the evil I’ve faced in my life rises to my call.

Righteous anger.

I psychically reach out, like I did for Kurtis’s soul, and pull on my life force. Slowly, I draw it back inside myself.

“How?” Dimples takes a half step back, but he doesn’t let me go. Now, he appears to be the one mesmerized.

I don’t answer him. Instead, once I retrieved my soul from his clutches, I focus on grasping the soul fragments trapped in his energetic body.

Dimples falls to his knees as if I’m pulling out his batteries, and in a sense, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

I collect the eight souls and hold on to them.

“What are you doing to me?” he asks in sheer disbelief.

“They weren’t yours to take.” I feel myself expand like a balloon, swelling with power, then I grab hold of his soul and pull.

Dimples cries out, and there’s a snap when he’s ripped from his physical form. Now, he’s just a husk on the ground, shriveled and quickly turning to dust.

I hold the souls in my arms, captured by my will. What do I do now?

I remember what happened with Kurtis when his soul left his body. I feel the same place that called to him calling to me now. I slide down the wall and sit, propping myself up and closing my eyes.

There’s a pressure on the top of my head, and I feel a pop. I hover above my body, then I hurtle through space with the souls in tow. Within a flash, I’m standing at the portal I glimpsed when Kurtis died. It makes no sense, but I recognize it. This is the transitional point for souls, the tunnel between life and death. When the souls are ready to come back to the physical plane, they are birthed through here.

I release the nine souls. The eight souls Dimples stole are transparent wisps, but they nod to me and float through the door.
