Page 61 of My Instant Karma

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Dimples, still dark and foreboding, comes flying at me. We are both in spirit form, but I wonder if that might be worse for me if I lose this fight.

I hold out my hand, and without making contact, I shove him through the portal. I wait a moment to see if he will return, but there’s nothing. I move closer to look through and see two beings made of pure light escorting all nine souls away.

Then I’m hurtling through space and back into my body.

When I open my eyes, Dante’s face is all I can see. I think I’m hallucinating until he speaks.

“Tessa! Are you okay?” He glances behind him at Dimples’s shriveled, decomposing body. “What the hell happened?”

Kurtis and Evan come into view and move closer.

“The band’s back together!” I say weakly.

Dante strokes my cheek and then touches my forehead, as if checking my temperature. “Seriously, what happened?”

“Yeah.” Kurtis looks nervously at the corpse. “What did you do to him?”

“He was draining my life force, killing me.”

“So you killed him?” Kurtis asks.

“I wasn’t trying to.” I shake my head, and it’s too wobbly. “It was self-defense.”

Evan curses. “I heard stories of energy vampires, but I thought they were a myth.”

“I think we can safely say anything that we thought was myth could actually be real in some way,” Dante replies, then he asks me, “Can you stand up?”

“I think so.” I let him help me to my feet. I’m unsteady, but I manage. He puts his arm around my waist, and we make our way out of the club.

“I thought you were with your social media hottie,” I say.

“When I saw you leave with that guy…” His voice trails off.

“Did you getitdone?” I ask.

“No,” he says with a tight jaw. “It doesn’t matter.”

“But what if Karma punishes you?”

“Let her.” Dante pulls me to his side. “Some things are more important.”

I’m pleased that someone thinks I’m more important than punishment, but then it hits me. “You didn’t think I could handle myself.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Isn’t it?”

Evan cuts in. “We are protective of all new recruits.”

“When you aren’t harassing them?” I narrow my eyes. “Or is it just the women you think are weak?”

Kurtis laughs. “Youkilledme with your powers. You threw me twenty feet. Believe me, we don’t think you’re weak.”

Both Dante and Evan nod their agreement.

“You should have seen how I was with these two,” Evan explains. “I didn’t let them out of my sight for months.”

“True story, precious.” Kurtis grins. “And even after all these years. He didn’t let me out of his sight tonight.”
