Page 62 of My Instant Karma

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“If you are usually a helicopter mom, then why did youallleave me alone tonight?”

“Because we know you can handle yourself,” Dante says.

“Okay, fine, then why did you come after me if I can handle myself?”

Dante tenses beside me. “BecauseIcouldn’t handle seeing you wander off with his hands all over you.”

We are all quiet after that confession, and the ride home is strained.

I’m overwhelmed with all the feelings and fears I had at the club. Which feelings are solely mine and which were magnified by the energy vampire? I shudder to think that all those feelingsaremine, but I have a habit of stuffing down my feelings. It’s how I survived.

I need all my defense mechanisms since I still have to survive whatever this new life is. My instincts tell me Karma wants me for a reason, and now with what happened tonight, and what I can do, I might have a better idea why.

I glance over at Dante as he drives us home. Should I tell him what I did? How I delivered souls to the afterlife? Can I trustanyone?

If history is an indicator, I can’t, and I know nothing about these guys.

Also, Dante being jealous over me is ridiculous. He was practically making out with that woman when Dimples had his hands on me. That woman registers on Dante’s hotness meter. I am, if anything, a convenient hookup if he can convince me to have sex with him. Then he could just pop over to the next room and get his rocks off with a warm body. Or perhaps he wants me because he simply doesn’t enjoy being denied, and I’m a challenge. When I give in, he will get bored, and he’ll be done.

Worse yet, maybe he’s trying to seduce me as a job for Karma. If he was ordered to seduce that woman tonight, then it’s in Karma’s wheelhouse to order him to get close to me to win my loyalty and trust. Truly, it’s the only thing that makes sense, because Dante finding me attractive in the way he’s claiming is silly.

I rub my arms as the chilling thought settles in.

What ifI am the target?



On the drive back to the house, Evan’s phone beeps. He pulls it from his pocket and curses.

“What’s up?” Dante sounds nervous. It’s awfully late for a casual text. Maybe it’s a booty call?

“Karma is coming for a visit within the next couple of days,” Evan says with a clenched jaw.

“That can’t be good,” Kurtis mutters.

“No. Unless it’s for a recruit, her visits usually mean someone will betransferred,” Evan explains.

“And they are never heard from again,” I say, and they all nod.

I don’t like the timing of this at all. Does Karma know about my incident with the vampire? Did she know I escorted souls to the afterworld? Does she intend to use my powers?

When we arrive at the house, I rush through the front door and race up to my room. I slam it shut and lean against the cool wood. I hear footsteps quickly coming down the hall before stopping at my door. I recognize the gait—Dante.

“Hey, you okay?” he asks through the door.

“I’m fine. Just exhausted.” I try to sound tired and not scared or angry, but I’m all three.

“You don’t sound alright.” Damn psychics. Yeah, I see the irony. “Would you like me to stay with you tonight?”

I have to keep my distance. With every moment that passes, I’m becoming more certain that all three men are only winning my trust so Karma can exploit it. “I don’t think I want you near me with the smell of that woman on you.” Actually, it’s not a lie. I don’t think I can handle it. It’s partly the reason I can’t let him in.

“Oh.” He sounds defeated. “What if I showered?”

“Dante, can you just let me deal with this alone?Everythingthat happened tonight is all too much.”

“I didn’twantto be with her.” His voice has lost hope, and it’s barely audible through the door.
