Page 70 of My Instant Karma

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Evan captures my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Did she send you to test our loyalty?”

“What?” My eyes widen. “No. You’re the ones who are going to betray me.”

“Then why areyoutrying to gather evidence against us?” Kurtis throws his hands in the air in protest.

“Not for her!” I yell. This all has gone completely sideways.

“We can’t trust her,” Kurtis mutters. “She’s the one who started making us question our loyalties.”

“But she’s right about Karma using us,” Evan hisses.

“I bet Karma senses our misgivings and sent her to betray ourselves,” Kurtis argues.

“I’m not spying for Karma,” I state flatly.

“We are going to have to kill her,” Kurtis suggests, “and make it look like an accident.”

Dante shoves him. “No!”

“Then what are we going to do with her?”

“Do whatever you want. Go ahead and try to kill me, but just know that I thought you were going to betray me,” I explain. “It was the only damn thing that makes sense here.”

Dante crouches down and his voice comes out icy. “Why would that make sense?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “About you trying to get close to me.”

Dante curses, stands up, and demands, “Is it completely out of the realm of fucking possibility that I mightactuallylike you?”

His frustration rattles me. “Uh, yeah. It was that, or you didn’t like being told no.”

“Those are the only two freaking viable explanations, huh?” Dante paces, throwing his hands in the air and muttering to himself.

Evan ignores Dante’s tantrum and continues his questioning. “Why would you think we are betraying you?”

“Story of my cursed life. Why else would you risk going behind Karma’s back forme? We don’t even know each other.”

“Exactly what I said,” Kurtis grumbles. “We don’t know her. This is a test, and we failed. Now, we’ll die. Karma will be here in a few days to give us a permanent retirement.”

Evan rubs his face and curses under his breath. “Tessa, what happened to Carmen?”

“I showed up at the shop, and she was gone. The lights and open sign were on, but no one was answering. I was worried that she was hurt, so I broke the glass to get in.”

“The spyware was for you to see if you could trust us?” he asks.

“And now, I’ll never know if I can.” I pout, my head swimming with the drug.

Evan cradles my face, forcing me to look him in the eye. “What else are you keeping from us?”

“Ican’ttrust you.” I don’t want to cry, but then I feel hot tears on my cheeks. Fuck this drug, it’s making me cave. I can’t trustanyoneever. I am and will always be alone.

“We can’t trusther.” Kurtis knocks Evan aside and holds a knife to my throat.

“Go ahead.” I lift my chin to give him access. “You’re just going to tell Karma everything so she can use my abilities against my will. I don’t want to be her puppet. I shouldn’t be alive anyway,right?”

When Dante sees the knife against my throat, he lunges toward me. “Kurtis! Stop it!”

“Back off!” Kurtis presses the blade harder against my skin, about to cut me. “You’re her puppet. Would you really rather die than confess that you’re spying on us for her?”
