Page 71 of My Instant Karma

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I glance at Dante’s stricken face. He’s poised to stop Kurtis, but I know it will be too late if he tries.

They probably think the drug will keep my powers at bay, but I can feel my gift swirling stronger inside me every second. “Just so you know, I would never betray you. I needed to know if you would betray me. That’s all.”

Using my power that controls air, I stir some dirt into a tiny dust devil at my feet to prove my point, and they gasp.

“I’d rather die than actually be her puppet, so do it. End me.” I close my eyes and wait for my life’s cord to be severed. I have seen the portal to the afterlife, so I’m not afraid. However, my body trembles with fear, knowing it will be left to rot, but that’s the nature of things.

Kurtis steps back. “Shit, I don’t think she is working against us with Karma.”

“I told you,” Dante snaps.

My eyes pop open and look around. “I told you to kill me.”

“We aren’t doing that!” Dante snatches the knife from Kurtis and cuts my restraints.

“She might have horrible plans for me,” I protest. “Even if you are working for her to spy on me, you must see this is for the best.”

“No.Wedon’t,” Dante argues. “If she has nefarious purposes for you, then you might be the only thing that can stop her.”

I can’t trust them. All of this could be a ruse. I grab the knife from Dante’s hand, tumble away from him, and bring the knife to my own throat.

All three of them yell, “Tessa! No!”

“I won’t let anyone use me anymore.” I move to cut my jugular, but the knife flies out of my hand.

All three of them used their magic on me—to save me. I don’t understand.

I see the blade glinting in the pale light and crawl for it. I’m so tired, and I only see one way out. I have come close so many times, and the drug removes all doubt now.

I reach out for the blade, but a body lands on top of me, preventing me from moving.

“Let me go!” I yell.

Dante flips me over and pins me down with his body. Holding my face so I have to look into his eyes. “I’m not letting you go. Not ever. You can trust us, you stubborn woman.”

Tears pour out of my eyes. I want to believe him, but I wanted to believe everyone who has betrayed me before. “But…”

“No.” His hand cradles the side of my face, his thumb brushing away my tears. “I’m here. Whatever may come, we’re here for you.”

“But we don’t know what’s coming for us.”

“It doesn’t matter. None of us want to be used anymore. The other night broke my heart. I only wanted to kiss you, no one else.”

He presses our foreheads together, his lips hovering an inch from mine.

“Well, this just got awkward,” Kurtis grumbles.

I had forgotten about them, but the poke at our intimate moment brings me back to the situation. I turn my head to break Dante’s power over me, and he receives the hint and lifts off of me.

The drugs are still coursing through my system, though, and I can’t stand on my own.

Dante helps me to my feet, pulling me against his chest. “Promise me no more talk of dying.”

At this moment, I make up my mind. I will try to trust one more time. I’m sure this will be a mistake, but I tell them all I can. I might as well surrender to having my heart metaphorically ripped out again.

“Well then, I suppose I should tell you everything,” I announce.

Kurtis curses.
