Page 83 of My Instant Karma

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A few people wander over to check on the man. Dante and I blink, and then there’s a woman standing in front of me, but she’s too close.

“Why did you do that?” she asks, irritation dripping off her.

Dante furrows his brow and tries to step between me and the woman.

She turns her glare on him. “That wasn’tyourtarget,insta-karma agent,” she says, her voice holding distaste, but she has a bubbly attitude.

“Are you Death?” I ask. Maybe my prayer worked.

“An agent, a psychopomp, an angel, a reaper… We go by many names.”

She isn’t what I was expecting for an agent of death at all. The reaper looks to be no more than twenty years old, wearing a tight, sparkly pink top, a white and pink plaid schoolgirl miniskirt, white Doc Martens, and her blonde hair in frigging pigtails. She’s as cute as a button, if I’m being honest.

Glamour Reaper Barbie.

I glance at Dante. “Give us a minute?”

He grimaces and walks away, but he still stays within view.

“Hi. I’m Tessa. What’s your name?”

She glances around as if she shouldn’t tell me. “Megan.”

“Megan, I need to talk to your boss,” I inform the bedazzled agent. She appears to be nonthreatening, but anyone with any instinct could feel her power.

She bites her lip and studies me. “I don’t know why yourkindwould bother him.”

Him… Good to know. I’ll have to razz Kurtis later.

“Look at me with your sight.” I ask, “I’m not your average karma agent, am I?”

She narrows her eyes and arches a perfectly manicured eyebrow after registering something about me.

“Yeah, so what?” she asks, popping pink bubblegum.

“You obviously don’t think much of Karma or her agents.” I sigh. “Here’s the deal… I want to talk to Death about my placement. Was I supposed to be one of you?”

She laughs. “You don’t know a single thing, do you?”

“Nope. I will admit full ignorance. Please enlighten me,” I say with complete openness.

“Not my place. I will convey your request, but don’t expect a response.”

“Got it.” I tilt my head toward the janitor. “Was that man your target?”

She nods. “Karma needs to watch herself.”

“Why would she go after your targets?” I muse. “This isn’t the only occasion. What’s her game?”

“That’s the question, isn’t it?” The adorable death agent smirks and disappears.

Dante rushes to my side. “What happened?”

I tap the phone in his pocket and shake my head, then I mouth, “Later.”

He frowns but lets it go for now, then he texts Evan and Kurtis.

Dante: Job done. Meet at the car.
