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I can’t believe he’s telling this to me right now. Part of me thought I’d never hear it, but the other part knew it was inevitable.

“Valerie, darling, I love you.”

His words are like a double dose of the stronger drug I’ve ever taken, sweeping me off my feet in an instant and keeping me elevated despite our dire circumstances. After all the incredible sex, all the thrilling adventures, it’s those three little words that make me feel the most alive.

And it’s been so long since I’ve heard someone say them to me.

“I-I love you too,” I manage to stammer as the plane comes to a stop.

Pasha smiles, but there’s sadness in his eyes. “You have no idea how important you are to me. I just hope I can live up to the man you think I am.”

I frown, confused by his words, but there’s no time to ask him what he means as the door of the plane bursts open and men with guns rush in.

They scream orders at us. “Get on the fucking ground!”

I follow Pasha’s lead, getting on the floor and lacing my fingers behind my head. He’s eerily calm, but I wonder if his heart is beating as fast as mine is. How can he not be terrified of what’s happening?

“Get up. On your feet.” An FBI agent barks at me, pulling at my arm.

Pasha shoots him a vicious look. “Treat the lady with respect, asshole.”

The agent looks confused, but he doesn’t seem keen on escalating with how large and imposing Pasha is. He loosens his grip on my arm, helping me up rather than pulling me.

“What’s the deal with all this nonsense?” Pasha asks as he is pulled to his feet by another agent.

“You already know.”

“Sadly, I don’t,” Pasha replies without a hint of concern.

I envy the way he speaks, but I’m glad I don’t have to attempt anything similar. He told me to stay quiet, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Not a word.

Not a sound.

Another agent steps onto the plane, and I immediately know he’s the one in charge. He’s wearing a shiny black jacket with a giant gold badge on the front, and his eyes are pale and sharp like ice daggers.

He walks straight up to Pasha and looks into his eyes. “Where are the drugs?”

Pasha raises an eyebrow in amusement. “I’m going to need a name, or at the very least a badge number, if you’re going to be asking questions like that.”

He puffs out his chest. “Luis, and you can either answer my question or we can tear this plane apart.”

Pasha scoffs like he’s a jock in math class, utterly uninterested in the teacher’s threats to send him to the principal’s office. “You won’t find any drugs here, but you’re welcome to tear the place apart. I’ve been meaning to redecorate, anyway.”

Luis’s eyes shift over to me when he realizes Pasha isn’t taking him seriously. “Bring her over here,” he snaps.

My body stiffens as I’m walked up to Luis. He studies me for a moment, rubbing his chin and looking at Pasha again. Then, he looks back at me, narrowing his eyes. “Is this guy your pimp?”

I almost answer him, but then I remember that Pasha told me to keep quiet. I purse my lips hard, looking away from Luis’s cold, uncaring eyes.

“Not a talker, huh?”

“I do the talking around here,” Pasha replies.

Luis shoots him a vicious look. “I don’t need your snide remarks. You can either comply or the judge is going to have very little mercy on you. I’ve seen guys get triple life sentences for drug trafficking before. I’d be surprised if they didn’t give you the death sentence for involving this young lady in your debauchery.”

A see a brief glow of fury in Pasha’s eyes, and I’m worried that he’ll do something crazy, but he remains calm on the outside, smiling at Luis like he’s totally unbothered by the accusations. “The truth is always on my side, Luis. You’ll be finding that out the hard way, unfortunately.”
