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“Alright, alright, relax… I won’t be able to read it if you’re shaking me.”


He pats my head. “I still don’t know what this is all about, but if you’re excited, then so am I.”

I ought to snatch the paper right out of his hands for that condescending pat, but I’m too excited about the results to delay any longer. I just watch as he unfolds the paper and reads what’s written on it.

“Congratulations, you’re having a… baby girl!” Pasha’s eyes light up and his shoulders roll back. He laughs, reading it again a second time, like he can’t believe it’s real.

“We’re having a girl,” I say, cupping my hand over my mouth as tears rush to my eyes.

He laughs, grabbing me and lifting me up. He spins me around the kitchen until we’re both laughing like crazy. I’m about to piss myself, but he keeps spinning.

“Alright, put me down,” I say through laughs, patting his muscular arm.

He places me down gently, dropping to one knee and planting a kiss on my belly. His eyes shine as he looks up at me. “Valerie, you’re amazing. A baby girl… just… wow!”

“I couldn’t have done it without you,” I tease.

A new expression creeps onto his face, one that’s more impish and suggestive. I already know what he’s thinking.

There’s only one way to celebrate something like this, and my doctor told me that I was allowed to keep having sex unless it became uncomfortable. In fact, she even encouraged me to do so!

I’m wearing a dress, which makes it easier. I reach under it, dropping my panties and grabbing them from the end of my foot. I hold them up to Pasha, then toss them across the kitchen. “Fetch!”

He smirks, but doesn’t move. “The only thing I’m fetching is that juicy ass.” He reaches under my dress, cupping one cheek and squeezing it. “Delicious. Like a peach.”

I giggle, leaning against the counter and bending over. I wiggle my butt at him. “I’m all yours, daddy.”

He rubs his lips with his thumb, looking over at the mess of flour and cake pans. “I don’t know… What about the cake?”

I roll my eyes. “Fuck the cake.”

He chuckles. “I thought I was going to be fucking you.”

Now I know he’s just teasing me. He’s always doing that, just to see how riled up he can get me before attempting to diffuse my frustration through sex. I have to admit, though, it works incredibly well.

“Come here,” he growls, flipping up my dress and spanking my ass. “I don’t know about what that doctor told you, but I can’t be sure that you’re really pregnant. Best to be sure.”

I laugh as I hear the jingle of his belt coming off. “The belly doesn’t give it away?”

“You’ve been eating a lot of cake lately,” he replies as he slides his cock up against my ass.

I swipe his cock away, shooting him a dirty look. “You calling me fat?”

He’s quick to walk back his words. “Nope, you’re more beautiful than you’ve ever been, and most definitely pregnant.”

I narrow my eyes at him, turning back and wiggling my ass. “You’re already getting lucky, babe. Don’t push it.”

Pasha eases into me, slowly stretching me just how I like it. There’s nothing more satisfying than feeling him inside me, knowing that we can do whatever we want together without risk.

Life has changed, and the sex has only gotten better. We’re both healthier and less stressed, not worried about anything but the baby.

Not to mention, being pregnant has made me a lot hornier. I’m lucky because Pasha can never get enough of me. Ten times a day isn’t too much for a man as fit and ready as he is, and sometimes I actually ask that of him.

And the next day, he’ll be back for more.

He always is, just like today as he fucks me from behind in the most loving and passionate way. He’s gotten shockingly good at providing that familiar intensity while still being gentle with me due to my pregnancy. It makes me climax so quickly!
