Page 104 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“Idon’t know… I really love this one, but I think it might be too big for my finger.” Sighing, Carly tilted her hand side to side, watching as the diamonds glinted in the bright lights of the store. “It’s so pretty, though.”

“I like it,” Matt said, entirely unhelpfully.

“You’ve said that about ninety percent of the rings I’ve tried on.”

“And I meant it every time.” Grinning down at her, he shrugged. “I just want you to love it, babygirl. That’s all that matters to me.”

“I love them all, is the problem,” she said with a laugh as she handed the ring back to Mrs. Daniels.

The older woman smiled, understanding lighting her eyes. “It can be difficult to choose, especially when the piece matters so much.”

“That’s exactly what it is.” Worry churned in Carly’s stomach as she scanned the case for what felt like the millionth time. “Maybe I should just let you choose, Da—Matt.” She corrected herself quickly, praying Mrs. Daniels hadn’t caught her slip up.

“It’s all right. You can call him Daddy if you like. I won’t mind.”

“Oh.” Well, so much for hoping she hadn’t noticed. “How did you know what I was going to say?” Even with the slip up, it seemed unlikely the average observer would have jumped to that particular conclusion right away.

“Like recognizes like,” Mrs. Daniels answered with a wink. “You know… I do have a couple pieces in the back I’ve been saving for a special occasion. Would you like to see if any of those catch your eye?”

“I don’t want to be any trouble.”

“No trouble at all. I’ll be right back.”

“Well, what are the odds of that,” Matt said, clearly amused as Mrs. Daniels disappeared into the back. “I’m starting to think everyone we’ve ever met is secretly kinky.”

“Right? Is it something in the water over here on the East Coast?”

“Could be.”

“I’m sorry I’m being such a pain.” Carly risked a glance up at his face, her stomach churning yet again when he sent her a stern glare in return. “I should just pick one and be done with it. They’re all basically the same anyway.”

“Little girl, don’t you dare. You deserve a ring as perfect as you are.”

Oh, man. Was it any wonder she’d fallen so hard for him so damn fast? “I appreciate that, but I’m being ridiculous. They’re all beautiful.”

“Carly Marie, unless you want me to ask our new friend if she’d be willing to loan us her office so Daddy can spank the stubborn out of you, I suggest you stop arguing.”

“I’m not arguing!” Okay. Maybe she was arguing a little bit. But still! “I just feel bad taking up so much of her time. And yours.”

“Have I complained one bit about how long it’s taking?”


“No, what? Who am I, Carly?”

Heat rushed to her cheeks. But at the same time, something inside her settled back into place. “No, Daddy.”

“Good girl. I haven’t complained because you’re worth waiting for, babygirl. If it takes us all day, hell if it takes us a month to find the perfect ring, I don’t care. As long as I get to marry you when it’s all said and done, it’s worth taking a little bit of extra time to make sure you have a ring you’ll love for the rest of your life.”

How the hell was she supposed to argue against that? “Okay, Daddy.”

“Here we are!” Face flush with excitement, Mrs. Daniels emerged from the back room carrying a smaller version of the trays that were lined up in the case in front of them. “This collection is very special to me. My husband used to design and make jewelry, and these were the last ones he made by hand before the stroke.”

“I’m so sorry.” Carly knew all too well what it was like to watch the person you loved suffer, and her heart broke as Mrs. Daniels set the tray on top of the case with a sad smile.

“He still comes into the store when he’s feeling up to it, but we’ve had to accept he won’t regain the motor skills he needs to make jewelry. So these are one of a kind, and the last to ever be made. I keep them in the back because I can’t bear the thought of selling them to just anyone walking in off the street.”

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