Page 16 of Sip Of Pleasure

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One evening, as we stood outside Murphy’s pub, I struggled to reconcile the man I was growing closer to with the criminal empire I sought to dismantle. The dichotomy was jarring, and the lines between duty and desire blurred. In the quiet moments like these, I questioned the choices that brought me here.

I tried to tell myself that this was simply a job, that I couldn’t be falling for a man like him, a man that was an integral part to the Murphy criminal organization.

I tried to focus on gathering as much proof against them as I could. With extreme caution, I’d spent many late nights eavesdropping on Liam’s conversations. When he wasn’t around, I discreetly rifled through the documents in his office, looking for proof of money laundering, illegal gambling, and weapon shipments, and I found it. I found so much evidence that it started to churn my stomach. I kept a dossier of intel hidden behind several boxes in the coat closet, adding to it day by day.

A part of me wanted to do the job I’d been sent here to do, but another wanted to explore what truly could develop between Liam and me.

The chemistry between us was off the charts. There were scarce few days that went by where I didn’t end up over his knee or full of his cock and most of the time, both. Sure, the daddy thing was wickedly taboo and just a little wrong, but I liked it.

I liked it a lot.

Sometimes, I even touched myself thinking about it, and I hadn’t admitted that to anyone, not even Liam.

“What are you thinking about, little girl?”

“Nothing, daddy.”

“I can hear the wheels turning in that pretty little head of yours, little girl. Don’t lie to me again, or else I’ll take you home and spank that beautiful bare bottom bright red,” he pushed, and my mind raced, trying to come up with something that might throw him off my scent.

It was getting harder and harder to lie to him. I couldn’t tell him about my real identity, though. That would blow my cover in an instant.

“I’m not a burden to you, right, daddy? I’m not overstaying my welcome at your place?” I managed, and he sighed softly.

“Not at all, sweet girl. It’s been an absolute pleasure to have you living with me,” he replied, his voice quiet, but absolutely genuine.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure, little girl. Daddy will remind you exactly how sure he is when we get home,” he promised, and a shiver of pleasure raced down my spine.

A heavy wave of guilt followed.

When I eventually turned in my evidence against the Murphys, Liam was going to go down with them. My heart hurt just thinking about it. I must have tensed a little in his arms because he cleared his throat.

“That’s not all, is it little girl?

“I might be a little nervous about coming with you to meet the Murphys. What if they don’t like me?” I answered quickly. I let out a long breath and smiled, pushing away my torn feelings as best as I could.

“They’re going to love you,” he answered. His arms tightened around me, and he kissed the side of my cheek. “Do you know how I know that?”

“No,” I answered, my heart hammering in my chest.

“I know that because I love you,” he said softly, and my breath caught in my throat.

His raw, unfiltered words hung heavy in the air around us. The weight of his confession settled, both comforting and electrifying at the same time.

The admission lingered, creating a gentle riptide that tugged at the edges of my carefully concealed emotions. In that vulnerable moment, I felt the layers of my own defenses unraveling, revealing the turmoil hidden beneath the surface.

“I love you too,” I whispered, the words falling off my lips before I could stop them. His arms squeezed tighter around me, and I closed my eyes, thankful that I was facing away from him with my back to his chest.

My emotions churned deep inside my belly, a tumultuous storm that threatened to undo me at any moment and I fisted my hands, my fingernails digging into my palms.

I could do this.

“Now come on. It’s time for you to meet the Murphy family,” he said quietly, and he reached for me, taking my hand in his. He led me inside as I took a deep breath, lifting my chin and calling on whatever confidence I had left.

The air in Murphy’s Pub was thick with the hearty aroma of Irish stout and the familiar scene of lively chatter met my eyes as we walked through the door. Liam guided me through the crowded tables towards a secluded corner in the back where the Murphys were already waiting.

Seated in a dimly lit corner, they exuded an air of authority that matched the pub’s warm, rustic ambiance.

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