Page 83 of Sip Of Pleasure

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“Oh, she’s not with us,” one of the sexy women added with a bit too much snark.

Not helpful.

The bouncer’s gaze grew suspicious as he looked Marley up and down before finally asking the million dollar question.

“Membership card?”

If she could buy her way in, she would have done that a long time ago but the fees to enter the exclusive club were insanely high and as she’d found out… money wasn’t the only thing needed to enter The Punishment Pit.

She also needed a referral.


Something she would never get after the owners had discovered she’d only been coming to gather research for her psychology dissertation on sexuality.

Marley shuddered just thinking about the embarrassment she’d felt when she’d literally been thrown out of the club months before.

Luckily, the guy working the door was new.

“I’m meeting my Dom. He’s already inside.”

Sort of true. She’d left off two little letters in that sentence. Stuart was technically herex-Dom now and she was pretty sure that even if he was inside, he’d have some new submissive with him.

“And just what is your Dom’s name? Because I’d like to have a word with him about taking proper care of his submissive’s safety. The alley is no place for a single submissive to be walking alone,” the doorman lectured.

“That’s why I waited in the garage until I saw people I suspected were heading here and I followed them… for safety…” Marley gushed, hoping her voice didn’t give away how nervous she was.

It seemed plausible. The problem was, she suspected he wasn’t going to let her pass without her giving Stuart’s name and if she did that, it would most definitely be game over.

She couldn’t risk it.

“I’m sure my Dom will appreciate you helping to keep me safe… and he’ll be with me when I leave so no harm, no foul,” she answered with a flirty flair, praying the cute guy would bend the rules and let her pass.

The sound of the loud music playing in the BDSM club got louder the second the two couples badged into building in front of her. The pounding beat of the bass called out to her, reigniting the confusing flame of need deep inside her. She could already feel the dampness in her panties just thinking about the debauchery happening only a few hundred feet away.

I have to get inside.

Marley had just placed a high-heeled foot inside the door when the doorman threw out his arm, stopping her in her tracks.

“Not so fast. If you’re a guest, I’m gonna need your Dom to come out and escort you inside. He should know the rules. No uncollared submissives allowed into The Pit without completing the additional consent forms.”

Remembering the intimate details of those scary forms she’d read online in the privacy of her studio apartment almost had her spinning around and running to safety.


Turning on her brightest smile instead, Marley did her best to stay calm as she begged, “Please… don’t make him come out here. I’m already in so much trouble for being late. I don’t want to make him even more mad by having to come out to collect me.”

A flicker of sympathy flashed through the bouncer’s eyes before it was replaced with the stern glare of a seasoned Dom.

“I guess you shouldn’t have been late then. Sounds like someone might have earned herself a spot center stage tonight.”

It was an offhanded comment, but it nearly sent Marley into a panic. As much as she desperately needed to get inside to observe — to play the role of voyeur — it was even more critical to avoid actually participating in the punishment scenes she couldn’t stop thinking about.

Memories of her time at the sex club had been living rent free in her brain for months, building into a craving she honestly didn’t understand what to do with. She had come to terms with the fact that she was probably a sadist. Listening to and watching others being punished and sexually pleasured was like her kryptonite.

But actually being punished… not so much.

So much so that it was her reluctance to actually consent to a punishment that was the main reason theexwas in front of the word Dom when describing Stuart. He had needed the kind of submission from her she just couldn’t give and without his sponsorship, she’d found herself frozen out of The Pit.
