Page 26 of Shattered Trust

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“The crew is working on a couple of projects at the same time,” he explained. “There's a lot of building going on in the area and besides, it's one of the reasons their bid was lower. I knew it was going to take a little longer this way.”

“I thought you were going to put a rush on this,” she shot back, knowing she sounded angry but unable to help herself.

He looked confused. “I tried Lindsey, but you were also concerned about the cost so I thought cheaper was better.”

She let out her breath in a deep, heavy sigh. She was being unreasonable. How could she argue if it was cheaper? Even the less expensive rates were going to be difficult for her to pay. Especially without a bank loan.

“Let me show you around.” Austin pointed out what the electricians were doing, going into a technical explanation of how they were going to bring the wiring up to code. Then he described the repairs needed to remove the water damaged drywall, extending over half of the corner of her house. The more he talked, the more depressed she became.

It would take weeks to get everything completed. If she were lucky.

She forced herself to meet Austin's gaze. “I was turned down for a bank loan. I'm going to look into other options, but I thought you should know. Don't worry, I'll figure out some way to pay you back.”

“It’s no problem,” he quickly assured her. “Please don't even worry about paying me back. Not now. Just make sure you and Josh have what you need.”

A flash of anger burned in her belly. Did he expect her to borrow money from him? Then conveniently forget to pay him back? What sort of person did he think she was? “If it takes longer for me to get a loan approved, I'll pay the going interest rate, in addition to the balance and the amount you've paid out so far.”

He scowled. “Don't be ridiculous. I'm not going to take money for helping you. Forget about paying any interest. I told you, don't worry about repaying me back.”

“No. I won't forget about the interest or the money.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I know you sincerely care about my welfare, and Josh’s too. But you're acting as if I can't support myself.” Memories of her mother moving her from place to place came rushing back. Lindsey had considered asking him for a loan, but not anymore. As much as she hated to admit it, the high interest place would probably be a better way to go.

Especially considering the heated kisses they'd exchanged beneath the stars last night.

“There is another way to do this,” he said in a low tone.

“Oh yeah?” Warily she looked at him. “How?”

“You could marry me and move in with me permanently.”

Chapter Eight

Austin hadn’t planned to propose, but the moment the words left his mouth he realized marrying Lindsey was the perfect solution.

Too bad Lindsey’s reaction was the opposite of encouraging.

She went pale, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated to the point he couldn't see the blue of her irises. She shook her head, taking several steps backward as if needing to get away from him.

“Marry you? Are you kidding?” Her voice rose, nearly hysterical. “No. Oh, no. Absolutely not.”

He tried not to be hurt by her emphatic refusal. His fault, for blurting out the proposal without any forewarning. And really, couldn't he have chosen a more romantic setting? But she didn't have to act as if being with him was akin to having hot needles stuck in her eyes. Why was marrying him completely out of the question? Their relationship had gone from mere friendship to a heck of a lot more on the patio surrounding his pool last night.

Even she couldn't deny the attraction simmering between them. The desire that had washed over them during that amazing kiss. He cared about her and this was his way of proving he wasn't interested in a fling or a temporary liaison.

He wanted far more.

“Lindsey, I know I shouldn't have blurted it out like that, but I want you to know I'm serious. I—we don't have to do anything right away. Just think about it, okay?” He took a step toward her.

“No!” She spun on her heel and ran from the house. He was so shocked, it took him a moment to follow. She was surprisingly quick, jumping into her car and backing out of the driveway before he could blink. She drove down Puckett Street, as if a pack of wolves were snapping at her heels.

He stared after her bright yellow car, watching as the taillights disappeared around the corner.

Sighing heavily, he massaged the muscles behind his neck.

He was an idiot. His impatience had caused him to blow it with Lindsey, big time.

Lindsey was so upset her hands were shaking. She couldn't believe Austin had proposed marriage! Out of pity! To help her get out of debt!

Worse, she'd almost said yes. Had been far too tempted to say yes.
