Page 50 of Shattered Trust

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“I think you're carrying me over the wrong threshold,” she said with a giggle.

He gently set her on her feet next to his car. “Lindsey, will you please marry me?”

Her smile widened. Maybe the third proposal was the charm. “Yes, Austin. I will marry you.”

“Thank You, God,” he said in a heartfelt prayer. He gave her another one of his intense kisses. “We can build a new house if you like. Something completely ours—yours, mine and Josh’s.”

She shook her head. His offer was generous, but there was no need. Being in love with Austin felt right. He'd already loved her longer than Sam had. And he was the kind of guy who would always work toward a better marriage. He would talk things out. And he would listen to her concerns. The way he had just now.

“That’s not necessary. Take me home, Austin.”

“Are you sure?” He hesitated, giving her a chance to change her mind.

“I'm sure.” She smiled. “We won’t need a new house until after we’re married and have filled your bedrooms with babies.”

He flashed a sexy, hopeful grin. “Sounds like a perfect plan to me. And you should know, I plan on marrying you as soon as possible.”

“I’d like that.” She slid her arms around his waist. “As long as your family can be there to celebrate with us.”

“Always,” he murmured. “They love you almost as much as I do.”

She rested her head on his chest, knowing that this time, she was making the right choice. His third marriage proposal had been the charm.

* * *
