Page 15 of Wylde

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“Came from a phone in the store’s name. I hacked into the nine-one-one system, and there was no call placed for shoplifting at or around a reasonable time. Turns out, those two officers were friends of the store owner. There was a call placed by a phone registered to the store to one of the officers’ personal cell.”

“So they didn’t go through the normal channels to call this in.” Sting played with his beard next to his lower lip.


Raven appeared in the doorway looking much different than he had when I’d seen him before. Now, he was in a tight white T-shirt and jeans with motorcycle boots. Before, his dark brown hair had been pulled back and tied at his neck. Now, it was wild and hanging past his shoulders. He still had the neat stubble, but it added to the messy look. Also, I noticed tattoos just peeking out from under his shirt.

“Which was another reason I was able to get Dani out as soon as I did. They knew they fucked up. I have a feeling they’ll have to answer for it tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Wylde grinned. “Especially since I sent the whole incident to the local media.” He blew a bubble like he didn’t have a care in the world.

I looked up at him. “I can’t keep up with your moods or figure out what you’re really feeling.”

He winked at me. “Have to keep you on your toes, darlin’.”

That wink was followed by a panty-melting grin. Like this, Wylde was positively irresistible. That breakaway lock on his forehead covered one eye and seemed to taunt me, wanting me to brush it aside. The man’s charisma was off the fucking charts. This wasn’t something new to me. I’d known it since the first time I’d met him in the coffee shop. That roguish look was hot enough to scorch. With him sitting so close to me, his arm securely around me, the heat from his body seeped into me and filled me with… him. Looking up into his eyes now only made me long for something I knew I could never have.

My breath caught, and I had to look away. I lowered my head while the conversation around us continued.

“Good. So that problem’s taken care of for now.”

“Yep.” Again, Wylde popped a bubble.

“And tomorrow?” Sting raised an eyebrow as he glanced over to Deacon, who’d been silent through the whole exchange.

“I’ll take all the kids to school. Including Apple and Lemon.”

“No fuckin’ way,” Wylde snarled. Instantly he was up, pacing the length of his office. “You said you’d stay away from Apple, Deacon. That’s decidedly not staying away from her.”

“I’ve given Sting my word to keep it professional, Wylde. I want the right to watch over Apple like she was my own.”

“She’s not yours to protect.”

Deacon leveled him a look. “She will be.”

“Boys, rein it in.” Iris sounded every bit like she was in control of the situation. I envied the confidence she showed. There might be only two of them -- not counting her husband -- but Iris took charge like it was nothing. She fully expected everyone to listen to her.

“You’re arguing with each other when neither one of you will make this decision.” Iris met my gaze with a kind one of her own. “Deacon’s requested this, but you don’t have to agree to it.”

“And have Apple hate me?” I sighed. “Honestly, I’m not naive enough to think that, just because I tell her not to do something, even if it’s for her own good, that she won’t find a way to do it.” I looked at Deacon. “So, I’m going to trust you.” I glanced over at Sting. “You’re his president.”

“I am.”

“You know everything that happened?”

“That Deacon and Apple have been talking for a few weeks and that she’s sixteen? Yes. I also know you had no knowledge of the budding relationship.”

“I know that technically, in Indiana she’s of legal age.” My gaze shifted back to Deacon. “But I’d prefer it if you waited to explore anything with her until she turns eighteen. Especially since you’re a lot older than she is.”

The man nodded at me respectfully. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, ma’am. I’m ten years older and, though she’s mature for her age, my life experiences far surpass hers. I’ll protect her with my life and watch over her and her sister, but I’ve got to cement my place in Iron Tzars and have a way to provide for her that you’ll approve of.”

That startled me. “What?”

He shrugged. “This is an MC. You have to know there are some things we do that you wouldn’t like.”

“I suppose. Hadn’t really thought about it. Perhaps I should.”

Sting smiled. “Deacon is a good man, Danica. He wouldn’t be a prospect with us if he wasn’t. Once he becomes a fully patched member, he and I will sit down and talk about this future. If that future includes Apple, she’ll be included too.”
