Page 104 of Impromptu Match

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Chuckling, he reached for a brown floppy hat with a wide brim and put it on my head, then cupped my cheeks and leaned in to kiss me.

“I think I prefer you in the cowboy hat,” he rasped with a smirk after leaning back to inspect me. “Or that party hat you were wearing the first night we met. Shit.” Eyes darkening, he slipped his arms around my waist and briefly squeezed my ass. “We definitely need to take that back to my place with us later.”

I laughed, feeling my cheeks get a little hot, but honestly, I wasn’t embarrassed about that anymore. I wasn’t really embarrassed by much with Holt. He never, ever made me feel self-conscious.

“We could pick up some yellow frosting as well,” I suggested with a grin, which made his eyes flare with heat.

“More ice cream.” He shifted closer until our hips brushed. “And cherries and whipped cream. So I can make a sundae out of your dick. With a nice cherry on top.”

I chuckled, flushing with arousal at the thought of Holt licking ice cream off my dick. “Okay.”

“No sprinkles though. If one went down your urethra I’d have to suck it out. Although I wouldn’t mind—”

“No sprinkles,” I said quickly.

“I’m taking that as verbal permission for the rest.” He gave me another kiss before stepping back and removing our hats. “Want to look around some more?”

“No, I want to get these for you.” I held up the suit and shirt, then gave him a sly grin. “And then maybe we can go back to my place for a while? After stopping at the grocery store, of course.”

“Excellent idea, Mr. Hough.” The grin he shot me was wicked as he grabbed my free hand and tugged me down the aisle. “I’m suddenly really in the mood for ice cream.”

“Are you sure you should have more dairy?” I asked doubtfully. “We had those milkshakes. Chase was airing out his office for most of the morning after we went in there.”

He shot me a weak glare. “Don’t ruin my sexy ice cream fantasy with the threat of dairy farts, Taylor. I can handle it.”

Snuffling a laugh, I let him lead me over to the register, and it was only once we were waiting in line behind the person currently paying that I noticed two things.

One: the person paying was Marcus.

Two: the person serving him was Cackling Lizard Granny.

I choked on a breath, more because of Lizard Granny than Marcus’ presence. Holt gave me a concerned frown, then stepped closer and slid his palm up my chest soothingly.

“You okay?”

I didn’t know where to look. “Big E” was Ethel? Lizard Granny? They called her Big E? This little old lady working the register of a thrift store was a giant lizard under that blue rinse and wrinkly skin and those filmy eyes. A giant lizard called Big E.

She had to be a mobster.

Before I could answer Holt, Ethel handed Marcus his bag with a sweet smile, and he turned around. I felt Holt stiffen, his fingers digging into my chest a little. Marcus looked entirely unsurprised to see us. In fact, I remembered Holt saying he’d looked our way after I spotted him down the street.

Oh my god, had he followed us here? In the entire time we’d been together, Marcus had never set foot in a thrift store. He hated buying second-hand clothes. He was a bit of a snob.

“Taylor.” He licked his lips quickly, already staring at Holt with undisguised curiosity. Without taking his eyes off him, he absently added, “It’s been a while. How are you?”

“Fine. Thanks.”

Cackling Lizard Granny was watching us intently, an intrigued gleam in her pale eyes. Holt’s hand drifted off my chest and slid around my back to grip my hip, tugging me possessively into his side.

“This is Holt,” I said, slipping my hand under his coat to run it up his back. My belly tightened with pleasure as I added, “My boyfriend.”

“Sup,” Holt said shortly, managing to convey an endless well of disdain for the man in front of us with just one word. Marcus’s pale cheeks flushed slightly.

“Hello.” He looked over Holt’s outfit again, then the lime green suit and pink shirt draped over my arm.

“Um, how are you?” I asked uncomfortably, feeling the need to be polite.

“Fine.” Marcus held up his bag. “Just grabbing some things for a… party Sage and I are attending tonight.”
