Page 57 of Impromptu Match

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“No worries. So, what are you two doing?” Larkin peered closer at the screen again. “Have you been fucking? Your hair looks like you’ve been fucking, boss. And you look all… post-nut chill. Both of you. Who topped? It was Taylor, wasn’t it? Those dad jeans, man.”

“What do you want, Larkin?” Holt asked impatiently.

He glanced over his shoulder and started walking again, bringing the phone closer to his face so he could lower his voice. We got another delightful view of his nostrils.

“Frank and Beans have been arguing all morning, and now they’re saying they won’t fight together tonight—” He rolled his eyes. “—so Corey threw a hissy fit and locked himself in his dressing room and won’t come out. He keeps shouting through the door that he refuses to work under these conditions anymore, with such unprofessional performers.”

“Fucking…” Holt pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbing his eyes. “What are Frank and Beans arguing about?”

“Who knows, man?” Larkin said ominously. “Last time it was because Beans beat Frank at air hockey. Dan said he heard a chainsaw being mentioned earlier. Those two get up to some weird shit, dude. I’m not sure I wanna know.”

“It’s your job to know, Larkin, so we can resolve it and they can perform tonight like they’re supposed to.”

“Uh, nuh-uh. I’m just the assistant, bro. It’s your job to know, but you’re too busy girding your loins with hot dadbod Taylor.”

“Um, that’s not actually what girding your loins means—” I piped up hesitantly, but Larkin spoke over me.

“I don’t know how to calm down Corey! He’s started, like, wailing in there. He demanded a bottle of crème de banane. I don’t even know what that is. Should I get him some?”

“No!” Holt spluttered. “Don’t let him get drunk before he has to perform tonight!”

“I dunno,” Larkin said doubtfully. “It’ll keep him quiet. Dan says he has a headache. But that might be from hurling his head at Kit’s crotch last night—”

“Don’t get any of the wrestlers drunk before the show tonight, Larkin,” Holt gritted out, then sighed in exasperation as he rubbed his forehead. “Okay. I’ll be in soon.”

“Shweet. Later, Taylor.” He flashed us his middle finger, for some reason, before ending the call.

“Fucking wrestlers,” Holt grumbled under his breath as he typed out a quick text to Seb. “And Larkin.”

“Sounds chaotic,” I said with a hesitant chuckle. “Do you hold the wrestling every night?”

“No, just Thursday through Sunday. They practise for their upcoming matches the rest of the week.” Holt dropped his phone and twisted around to face me with a pout. “Sorry I have to go early.”

“It’s okay.” I settled my arms around him, tugging him closer. “It’s been really nice.”

“It has.” He gave me a firm kiss, sucking briefly on my lower lip before pulling back. “Did you want to come tonight? I know you have work tomorrow, so I totally get it if you’d rather not.”

I did really want to, but it sounded like Holt would be dealing with a lot tonight, and I didn’t want him to have to worry about keeping me entertained.

“Maybe I can come next weekend?” I asked. “If it’s calmer then.”

“Okay.” He gave me a sweet grin, then rolled his eyes. “They did all get so pissy when I changed the line-up last-minute on Friday. They’ve been nightmares ever since. They’re a bunch of divas.”

I chuckled, then licked my lips and took a quick, fortifying breath before blurting out, “Maybe if you’re not busy in the week, we could… do something. Hang out. Or something.”

My heart was thudding hard. I didn’t know why I was so nervous after today, but I was. I hadn’t asked anyone on a date or anything similar in… fuck, almost fifteen years.

Holt’s cheeks had flushed a darker grey, and he looked almost shy as he nodded. “Yeah, okay. That sounds nice. Um… can I have your number? Seeing as you never texted me.”

It was my turn to blush as he handed me his phone so I could type my number in. “Sorry. I got really nervous.”

“That’s okay.” He started nuzzling my cheek, so I had to concentrate extra hard to make sure I typed my number in right.

When I handed the phone back, he quickly programmed it in and dropped his phone onto the couch, then burrowed his hands under my T-shirt.

“I’ve got just enough time to suck you off before Seb gets here,” he told me, then enthusiastically dove down and tugged on the front of my sweats.

I shuddered at the unique sensation of his hot mouth around my soft cock. It started hardening immediately against his tongue, and Holt moaned as he sucked and started bobbing his head once my dick was straining in his mouth.
