Page 58 of Impromptu Match

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My breath escaped me in a rush as I threaded my fingers through his hair. “H-Holt.”

He moaned again in answer, wet slurping sounds filling the air as he sucked my cock with more fervour than anyone else ever had. When his mouth eventually popped free with a gasp, he immediately dipped lower to curl his tongue around my balls.

My hips jerked as a hoarse whimper escaped me. “Sh-shit.”

Hot pink eyes met mine, his pupils enormous. “You like having your balls sucked, Taylor?” he murmured, then licked a wet stripe all the way from my sac to the tip of my cock.

I shuddered, clutching his hair. “Y-yeah. Yes.” Swallowing thickly, I added in a whisper, “Please.”

Holt’s eyes flared with heat. He ran his tongue back down my shaft before opening wide and sucking one of my balls into his mouth, pulling it taut. An embarrassing sound left me as my head fell back against the armrest, hips straining up.

He did the same to the other, then returned to my cock, lapping up the pre-cum on the tip before sucking me back into his mouth with a wet slurp. Despite already having come twice today, I could feel the urge tightening my lower back, making my balls lift to hug the base of my shaft. My asshole twitched and clenched. Suddenly, I was remembering what he’d said earlier about fucking me, making me come on his cock, doing it in front of the entire arena, and my dick grew impossibly stiff in his mouth.

“F-fu—I’m—” I tried to warn him between hectic breaths, my fingers trembling in his hair. “H-Holt, I’m g-gonna—”

He groaned gutturally around me, sucking harder. My orgasm hit in a rush, my hips straining up off the couch as I cried out and my cock flexed against his tongue. White noise filled my ears. I was only vaguely aware of hearing Holt moan deliriously as he sucked and swallowed my cum. When he pushed the tip of his tongue into the sensitive slit for more, I flinched and made an extremely undignified noise.

I was drained. I had no more cum left in me. He’d sucked the last of it out of my balls with his eager mouth, and now I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to move for the rest of the day.

“God, you make the best noises when you come.” Holt lunged up and slid his tongue into my mouth. I shuddered as I tasted myself on it, kissing him back desperately while I twitched with little aftershocks.

We broke apart when his phone dinged on the couch. I knew what that meant. Seb was here. My perfect Sunday was over.

Holt groaned and gave me one last deep kiss before reluctantly dragging himself away. “Uugh, I don’t want to go. I want you to make me moussaka so I can eat it off your naked body.”

I snuffled a little laugh, struggling to sit up as I pushed my hair back off my face. “Maybe, um, I’ll make one next weekend. Or in the week.”

“You better.” He looked around. “Where are my shoes?”

“In the bedroom.”

As he padded off to get them, I tucked my softening dick back into my sweats and took a deep breath, scrubbing my hands over my face. Holy hell. This was not how I’d expected my Sunday to go.

I wanted to do it all again next weekend. Maybe every weekend. I could already feel myself getting dangerously attached to Holt.

When he emerged from the bedroom, his boots were back on. I stood up as he grabbed his coat.

“Are you gonna go into work in those?” I nodded at the sweats.

“Oh yeah. They’ll all be so fucking jealous.” He put on his coat and tried to smooth down his hair. “Serves them right for being complete babies.”

I quickly bent to retrieve his sunglasses, handing them over with a tiny smile. Holt slid them onto the top of his head and stepped closer to wrap his arms around my neck, giving me a deep, tongue-tangling kiss.

“Make sure you text me this time,” he murmured, then kissed me again before stepping back.

My chest all fluttery, I nodded quickly. “I will. Definitely. For sure. Um… thank you for today. It was… it was really amazing.”

I flushed, wondering if I sounded like a total dork—all we’d done was eat and watch TV. Well, and give each other several orgasms—but Holt just smiled and smoothed his hand over my chest.

“It was. I loved it.” He dropped his hand and in the next instant, his skin was melting back into its pale human shade, eyes turning light brown and the pointed tips of his ears rounding off. I already missed his real face.

“Good luck, um, with the wrestlers,” I said as I walked him to the door. He opened it, then darted forward to give me one more kiss before stepping into the hall.

“Thanks. See you soon, Taylor.”

I watched him walk down the corridor until he rounded the corner and was out of sight. Closing the door, I turned and stared at my apartment. It didn’t feel quite so lifeless anymore, after having Holt in it.

Walking into my bedroom, I picked up his ruined pants and cum-streaked T-shirt. With a blush, even though no one was there to see it, I lifted the shirt collar to my nose and inhaled deeply. He smelled so good. Something light and a little floral and uniquely him.
