Page 60 of Impromptu Match

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Sharon from Accounts’ head popped up at her desk. She blinked in surprise, then beamed at me. “Morning, Taylor!”

Tim from HR was hovering by her cubicle, and he narrowed his eyes at me slightly, inching closer to Sharon. I just grinned at him.

“Morning, Tim. Oh, hey.” I dug into my pants pocket and pulled out a five-dollar bill. “I felt bad about someone drinking your almond milk, so here.”

He stared down at it, then shot me a suspicious look as his nostrils flared. “Did you drink it?”

“Taylor doesn’t have milk in his coffee.” Mindy came to my defence.

“Taylor would never,” Sharon agreed, shaking her head and giving Tim a disapproving look that made him go red. “That’s so nice of you, Taylor.”

“He’s such a team player.” Mindy beamed at me. “You really espouse our brand values, Taylor. Kindness and caring in a corporate world.”

I gave a humble shrug as Tim shifted on his feet, taking the bill and stuffing it into his pocket.

“Well. Thanks,” he muttered, darting another look at Sharon from Accounts.

“My pleasure.” I clapped him on the shoulder as Mindy and I continued on to the break room. She chatted animatedly about the brochure while making herself a coffee as I put my lunch in the fridge. I nodded along, only half listening, too busy picturing the photo Holt had sent me last night.

His long, elegant grey fingers wrapped around his hard cock, pink-nailed thumb teasing the copper head, which had been wet with pre-cum. A clear drop had been leaking from the tiny slit at the tip, and my tongue pressed hard into the roof of my mouth as I imagined lapping it up. Or letting him brush it onto my tongue while I knelt between his legs and opened my mouth, waiting for him to slide his cock into my throat.

When I got back to my desk, I pulled my phone from my pocket and realised I had several texts waiting from Holt. My belly clenched with excitement as I tapped to open them, hunching over my phone so no one accidentally saw the dick pic I’d sent earlier.

I want to lick all that cum up. Or maybe rub it into my face, he’d sent.

Several more messages were already waiting underneath.

Fuck, your body turns me on so much.

You make me so hard, Taylor.

I know you must be at work by now, and I just want to hide under your desk and suck you off without any of your co-workers realising.

All day. I’d just sit under there all day with your dick in my mouth. And your balls.

Maybe if you slumped low enough I could shove my tongue in your ass. Bet I could make you come just from that.

My breath caught in my throat. I scooted right up to the edge of the desk to hide my growing erection, scalp prickling and thighs tensing as I imagined it. Holt’s lips wrapped around my cock as I pretended to work, my colleagues completely unaware that a beautiful monster man was hunched under my desk enthusiastically sucking me off.

Before my phone locked, I saw a new text come through from Holt.

now im jerking off, fuck

My dick throbbed in my pants. He was jerking off right now. I glanced up and looked at the door to the men’s room. Was I brave enough to go into one of the stalls and jerk off with him? No, no, definitely not. There were a lot of men in this office, so the restroom always had someone coming or going. Besides, it always smelled faintly of piss in there. Or the repulsive mingled scents of shit and air freshener after someone had taken a dump and tried to cover it up.

Pulse speeding up, I picked up my phone and started to type. Oh my god, I was sexting at work. I was so bad.

Tell me what you’re thinking about, I sent.

His reply came through almost instantly. u sittinf on my face an teasing my dic

Okay, he was probably typing one-handed at this point, which explained the sudden shift in spelling and grammar.

griddling ur hole against my tongue, ur balls slapping my chin

Um… griddling? Did that have some sexy new meaning I was unaware of? Before I could ask, another text came through.

grinding. ffs
