Page 63 of Impromptu Match

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“He’s very… energetic.” I chuckled warily, wondering what that look had meant.

Seb didn’t answer at first as we walked down the corridor to Holt’s office. Then, voice flat, he said, “He’s young. Twenty-three.”

“Oh wow, yeah, I remember those days.” I chuckled again. “Bet he’s flirting with every big, hunky wrestler in this place, right?”

When Seb’s jaw briefly clenched, I winced, realising I’d just put my foot in my mouth. Oops.

“I’m sure it’s all talk,” I blurted. “I doubt he’d cross any boundaries like that. He seems… super professional.”

Seb didn’t answer as he opened the door to the waiting room attached to Holt’s office, revealing Larkin sprawled upside down on the couch with his legs hooked over the back. He was busy craning his neck toward the coffee table and sticking out his tongue to try and snag the straw poking from an energy drink can.

He just about managed, but knocked over the can as his shoulders slid off the cushions, sending him to the floor between the couch and the coffee table in a crumpled heap.

“Ow, my wings!” He finally noticed us as his head popped up, legs still in the air. “Oh, hey, Taylor!”

“Hi, Larkin.”

I watched as Seb made his way over and silently helped Larkin to his feet. A tiny frown twitched the big werewolf’s brows as his gaze swept over the delicate wings on Larkin’s back.

“Have you damaged them?” He reached out and lightly touched the left one.

Larkin immediately jolted away, his pale blue face flushing darker. “Dude! They’re, like, sensitive.”

Seb sighed and dropped his hand. “It looks crumpled.”

“They’re still growing, okay?” Larkin shot back defensively. “I’m a late bloomer. My mom says it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Seb just stared at him in silence, then turned and left the room to take up his post by the door, giving me a brief nod on the way.

Yeesh, awkward. I shifted on my feet, still clutching my vase of sunflowers.

Larkin picked up his knocked-over can and slurped up what was left of it through the straw as he nodded at the flowers. “They’re nice.”

“Oh. Yeah.” I flushed. “Um, Holt got them for me.”

Larkin’s brows rose. “Old man’s got game.”

I snorted, shaking my head as I walked deeper into the room to set the vase down on the coffee table. “You know, I’m older than Holt. I’m thirty-nine.”

“Yeah, but you own it.” He gestured at me. Just the whole of me as a person. Well, that tracked.

“How old’s Seb?” I asked curiously, but tried to keep my tone light. The werewolf clearly felt some kind of way about Larkin, but his “young” remark—plus Larkin’s whole, you know, general thing—made me think he was keeping it to himself because of an age difference.

“I dunno. Late thirties or something?” Larkin nodded at my front again. “Nice tie, bro. Holt might spontaneously nut when he sees you wearing hot pink.”

I flushed, glancing at the closed office door. “Is he… still on a call?”

Larkin just shrugged, back to sucking up the last bit of his energy drink very, very loudly. He really wasn’t a great assistant, but I liked him. I could see why Holt kept him around. Firing him would be like punishing a loveable but extremely hyperactive puppy.

“Should I knock?” I asked uncertainly, seeing as Larkin wasn’t doing anything.

“Sure.” He shrugged again, wandering over to his desk. “Go for it, bro.”

Smoothing down my tie, I went to his office door and knocked. I didn’t hear him call out. I couldn’t hear anything in there. I knocked again, then quietly twisted the door handle in case he was still on a call.

His office was empty. Frowning, I turned back to Larkin, who was sprawled in his chair with one foot on his desk as he played on his phone and spun absently from side to side.

“He’s not in there.”
