Page 93 of Impromptu Match

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I chuckled, sliding my hands up his calves under the water. “Hope you don’t ever throw pool parties for the wrestlers.”

“Oh yeah, sure, as if you hope I don’t.” He snorted and pointed an accusing finger at me, making me blush. “You’re picturing it right now.”

My face burned hotter. “Am not.”

“Yes, you are. So am I.” He reached for the bodywash with a groan and passed it to me.

I quickly scrubbed myself down, trying my best to ignore Holt’s lusty stare when I got on my knees to clean my junk and ass. He then insisted that he was in too much pain to clean himself and coyly asked if I would do it for him. Obviously, I couldn’t refuse.

Once I’d helped him out and we’d dried off, he generously let me ‘borrow’ the sweatpants he’d stolen from me while I made us breakfast. I loved cooking for other people, and I hadn’t gotten to do it in a long time, so I was relaxed and content as I figured out where everything was in his kitchen while Holt hobbled around in his silky hot pink robe making coffee. Then he took a seat the island and watched me fry bacon and whisk up some eggs to scramble.

I couldn’t stop smiling as I joined him at the island to eat. I daringly added cream to my coffee, and it was the best cup of coffee I’d had in years. Once we were done, Holt insisted I leave all the dishes in the sink for him to deal with later, but when he went upstairs to get us towels and sunscreen, I quickly loaded the dishwasher and wiped down the counters. I didn’t like leaving mess.

When he got back downstairs, Holt was wearing his cat-eye sunglasses and a big floppy sunhat. He grinned mischievously at me as he dropped the cowboy hat onto my head, then took my hand and led me through a living room with a mid-century sunken seating area to the backyard. Huge sandstone slabs surrounded the pool, and a large hot tub was nestled into the corner of the wooden porch with fairy lights strung above it.

When I spotted several wooden sun loungers neatly set out under big parasols at the edge of the pool, I chuckled and asked, “Are those the ball catchers?”

Holt snorted. “No. I replaced those with ones that have the slats closer together, so my balls never go through that trauma again. Which means we can definitely fuck on them.”

“You have a bad back!”

He waved a hand dismissively. “An orgasm will help.”

I was pretty sure it wouldn’t, but I wasn’t going to protest too much, especially not when Holt stripped off his robe and dumped it on a lounger, revealing his nude body. I glanced around as I fiddled with the waistband of my sweats, but trees lined the edge of the big yard, and there were no other houses anywhere in sight, so I tugged them down.

Holt’s back seemed to miraculously recover just long enough for him to rub sunscreen over every inch of me, then suddenly got too bad again for him to apply it to himself, so of course, I played along and did it for him. He grabbed my hand and tugged me back up onto the deck and into the hot tub, sitting back with a sigh, still in his sunglasses and floppy hat.

It was already warm with the sun shining down, but we were in the shade, so the hot water and jets were nice. Holt wriggled until one was pummelling his lower back and groaned in relief, stretching his arms along the edge of the tub.

“Is this what you usually do on your days off?” I asked, absently tangling our legs together under the water as I sat opposite him.

“I never really have a full day off, but I don’t mind it. I like working.”

“Yeah.” I hovered my hand over a jet to feel the bubbles tickling my palm. “It must be really nice to enjoy your job.”

I could feel Holt looking at me through his sunglasses. He gently nudged my foot with his. “You should quit HotSex Corporation, babe.”

I made a face. “I mean, it’s a decent job, at least. And lots of people don’t really like their jobs. That’s just life.” With a teasing smile, I nudged his foot back and added, “We don’t all get to manage a bunch of oiled-up beefcakes and make a decent living from it.”

“No, but you shouldn’t… dread work.” His brows twitched into a slight frown. “It shouldn’t make you miserable in the other parts of your life.”

“I’m not miserable right now.” I gave him a shy smile.

He smiled back, his throat bobbing. “Me neither.”

“I’m sorry your back hurts, though.” I carefully pulled his feet into my lap and massaged them, which made Holt groan in pleasure. “Will you be alright to go to work later?”

“I’ll be fine.” He sighed, toes curling against my fingers. “I’ll get some of those heat pads and put one on under my suit. Just don’t tell Larkin.”

I spluttered a laugh. “I won’t tell Larkin! You don’t have to keep saying it.”

Holt grunted. “He already calls me an old man because to him, anyone over the age of thirty is decrepit.”

“Well, surely some of the wrestlers are over thirty,” I said doubtfully.

“He makes an exception for the wrestlers because he wants to fuck all of them.”

I pursed my lips, saying nothing. Larkin definitely liked to flirt with the wrestlers, yeah. But I wasn’t convinced that he actually wanted to follow through and have sex with any of them. Or maybe the idea of it really happening just made him nervous.
