Page 32 of Knot for You

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According to my dads who noticed something was up when I was on the phone with them, it would calm down soon. They also warned me that the likelihood of my mother not randomly showing up on campus once I was settled enough was low. So that was something to look forward to.

I set my phone down next to me on the counter as I started to make a protein smoothie.

Behind me the door opened, Jacob coming in from lifting. “Hear anything?”

“Not yet.”

He huffed.

“We’ll hear from her,” I said. “Smoothie?”

“Yeah, sure,” Jacob pouted, leaning his cheek onto his fist as he watched me throw extra ingredients into the blender. It whirled loudly. “How do you know?”

I didn’t, but I was still sure.

I never heard of anyone denying a scent match.

“I just don’t know, Lee,” Jacob said. He draped himself over the counter. I was going to have to disinfect it with how much sweat he was holding onto from practice. He could never stand the communal shower situation after being in so many group homes growing up. “She seemed freaked about everything. What if she doesn’t reach out?”

“Then it’s probably a good thing so you lovesick idiots can get your head back in the game.” Silas interrupted from where he came in through the door. He let the door shut behind him, not dropping his gear directly in front of the door like Jacob did. His somehow perfectly clean sneakers stepped over his packmate’s duffle bag as he shook his head at us.

Jacob must’ve raced him up here to ask me about Vera.

“You don’t even know her,” muttered Silas.

I didn’t even bother. Ever since we brought it up to our pack leader, he acted like we were both somewhere up in fantasy land. Silas may have been a good leader, but he wasn’t a romantic. He most certainly didn’t believe in scent matches.

I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he came face to face with Vera.

It was the only thing keeping my frustration inside.

Jacob had no such hold-ups. “Shut the fuck up, Si. You have no idea what you are talking about, and it’s shit that you don’t even want to know.”

I focused my attention back on Jacob, ignoring Silas’ words as I pushed him half of the smoothie I made. “Then we keep trying to court her. That is all we can do.”

Sometimes, my mom used to tell me that omegas liked to give a challenge, especially if they had hard pasts. They liked to know that whoever was trying to court them was willing to stick around no matter what.

“You want a smoothie, Si?” I asked.

Silas rolled his eyes. “I’m fine. It’d be better if we all stopped talking about some chick you just met like she hung the moon. What are you even thinking?”

Jacob scoffed, snatching his smoothie off the counter and walking down the hall towards the bathroom where he’d likely drink the rest of it in the shower.

I shrugged. “I’m thinking that I am trying to get to know my omega.”

“She isn’t your omega,” challenged Silas.

The basest part of myself stirred in my veins. My alpha was ready to make sure our fearless, yet stubborn leader knew for certain, that wasn’t the case.

“In case you haven’t noticed, she isn’t exactly jumping into your arms, Lee—or Jake’s,” Silas said, tightly.

I shook my head. “Like you’re jumping into hers, Silas?”

He cringed.

“I get it. No one expected this. Not us and by the looks of it, certainly not her. Give her a little break. We’ve talked about maybe meeting someone in the future whether that would’ve been a beta or an omega. These things just happen when they are supposed to.”

“I’ll give it a break when she leaves us alone,” he said, shoving away from the counter. “And you need to stop listening to your moony family and see this as what this is.”
