Page 24 of A Dark Melody

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“Yeah.” I say softly, not convinced.

“Sue made me promise to time how long you’re in the bathroom. She doesn’t think you’d risk getting caught throwing up in public, but still.”

“Oh.” I’m surprised he told me.

“I wasn’t supposed to tell you, but we are friends.” He says with a smile. “And as your friend, I’m asking you not to throw up dinner. Please.”

“Wes.” I whisper. He is asking too much of me. I mean, Sue is right. I wouldn’t risk getting caught throwing up in public, but ifthe chance comes up, I don’t know if I could fight it. It’s been so long since I’ve thrown up, but the urge is still so powerful.

“Try?” He squeezes my thigh, and the sudden warmth of his hand on my skin sends butterflies to my stomach. “For me.”

“I’ll try.” I say because even though we’ve just become friends, I feel this need to do anything in my power to keep him.

“That a girl.” He smiles and gives my thigh another squeeze. His fingers pressed against my tights sends a wave of heat to my cheeks. It’s been months since I’ve had a man touch my thighs. It’s been weeks since I’ve even had an orgasm.

“So.” I say. “Are you worried about them linking us together?”

He tilts his head to the side for a moment, studying me. “No.” He says after a long moment. “They already have, and I could be linked to much worse. But you do know the more we hang out, the more they are going to assume we are a couple, right?” I nod. “And then there will be all kinds of scandals. Rumors of you cheating on me, me cheating on you. More baby rumors.” He laughs.

“We will let them know we are just friends.” He was right. They would make up all kinds of rumors about us. Maybe this was a bad idea, but being around him feels so good. He makes me almost feel normal.

“Sounds good to me.” He smiles.

He pulls my seat out for me at the restaurant, and I drape my jacket and purse over the back of the chair before taking a seat. He pushes the chair in for me like I’m weightless. It makes me smile, even though I’m sure he is just strong. It makes me feel light as a feather, and I like that.

“Thank you.” I say.

The server hands us our menus. “I’ll give you a few minutes to look over your menus.” He says and excuses himself.

“Drinks?” Wes asks, flipping through the menu.

“Yes, please.” I nod. I would need an ungodly amount of alcohol to get through dinner.

“What do you want?” He asks as he skims over the menu.

“The label is paying for it, so something fancy.” I say with a grin.

“I’m paying.”

“No. Sue set this up, so the label is paying.”

I’m surprised he doesn’t know how this works. Surely, the label has set him up on dates before. They usually pay for most of my outings with guys.

“I don’t want this to be on the label’s dime. Makes it feel like a job.”

“It’s a job to me.” I say softly, looking down at my lap. “They are forcing me to go out, so they should pay.”

“But isn’t being out with me fun?” He smiles.

“It is, but…”

“I’m paying.” He says firmly. “But still, get something fancy.” He winks at me. “You deserve it.”

The server comes back up to us, and I know that’s the end of the conversation. I haven’t even looked at the menu yet. He sets a basket of bread in front of us, a container of butter, and two glasses of water.

“May I get you two some drinks to start?” He questions.

“I will have a double of black label neat.” Wes says and looks at me.
