Page 29 of A Dark Melody

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But no. I told him I would try, so I have to try.

I leave the stall, knowing I’m walking away from the only chance to throw up I’ll have for a while.

I wash my hands and fix my makeup when the door to the bathroom opens.

“Did you see Wesley Whitmore out there?” Some girl says.

“He is so fucking hot.” Another girl says.

They look up and see me standing in front of the mirror.

“Oh my god.” The first one says. “Abbey Dark.”

“Hi.” is all I can muster.

“Are you here with Wesley?” The first one asks, and the second girl looks like she may pass out.

“Yeah. Just having a friendly dinner.” I say softly.

“We are going to your show tomorrow.” The second one blurts out. “We drove in from out of town and everything.”

“That’s awesome.” I smile. “I hope you have a great night.” I squeeze by them.

I walk out of the bathroom and scan our table to see if Wes is still there, but he isn’t. I scan the rest of the restaurant for him and see him standing by the hostess stand, talking with some girl. I’m only slightly jealous. We are just friends. He could talk to other girls. He could flirt with other girls.

He will probably want to end our night here so he can hook up with some other girl.

I begin to walk over. Preparing myself for him to say good night. I pull out my phone, getting ready to call myself a car. He sees me and stands up straight. He says something to the girl and touches her shoulder before walking over to me.

“All good?” He asks, studying me.


“Lie or honest?”


“Good.” He smiles. “Shall we continue our night out? I heard about this cool bar a block over.”

I’m surprised and can’t hide the shocked look that comes over my face. He raises an eyebrow.

“Are you sure you can take being linked to my crazy ass?”

“Yes.” He says with a laugh and puts his arm around my shoulder. “Let’s get wicked drunk.”


We walkto the bar because it’s only a block over. Wes smokes a cigarette as we walk, and we talk about nonsense. Favorite color, favorite animal, those kinds of things. All the while, his arm is wrapped around my shoulders.

Wes gets us into the bar quickly, because what bar wouldn’t want two rockstars in it? He gets us a booth towards the back of the place. He leaves me sitting in it while he goes up to the bar to order us some drinks.

“Hello, hot stuff.” A voice says from the side of me, and I turn to look at him. “Never thought I’d get the chance to be this close to the great Abbey Dark.” A tall, slender man with black hair, dark eyes, and stubble on his face is staring back at me.

“Hi.” I say back, wishing I was anywhere else.

“I’m James.” He says, sliding into the booth in front of me. “You here all by yourself?”

“No. I’m with a friend.”
