Page 11 of Tangled Desires

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Yet with each attempt to uncover more about her, she parried with grace and wit, leaving me at an impasse. Her insistence on remaining ‘just Mila’ should have deterred me; instead, it fanned the flames of my curiosity. She seemed to revel in the game as much as I did, each deflection a move that made our interaction all the more exhilarating.

Standing there beside her, the clamor of the ballroom faded into the background. It was just Mila and me—a dance of minds as captivating as any waltz on the floor.

My resolve hardened like steel tempered in fire—I would find out who she truly was. In my world of high stakes and clear objectives, this felt like a new venture—one where the outcome was uncertain but undeniably worth pursuing. After all, I’m Cassius Portman; when I set my sights on something—or someone—I don’t rest until I’ve achieved what I desire. And tonight, it was Mila who captured my attention entirely.

Chapter Seven


The ballroom swirled around me, a kaleidoscope of colors and masked faces, but all I could feel were Cassius’s eyes locked onto mine. A current of awareness sizzled through the air, tethering us together amidst the sea of people. I couldn’t reconcile this man, this god of a man, the hottest forty-year-old billionaire on the planet,who had merely steadied me in the hotel corridor with a touch, now seeking me out in a room full of glittering guests. It was like being caught in a whirlwind, one that lifted me from the polished floors and spun me into an orbit where only we existed.

I swayed gently to the music, my hand resting in his, and it struck me how bizarre this turn of events was. Just a couple of days ago, I’d been scurrying away from him, a faceless maid he’d probably never give a second thought to. And now? Now he was looking at me like… like I was someone. Someone he wanted to know. His gaze seared through my mask, trying to unveil the secrets it hid.

My head spun—not from the champagne, though its bubbles had already painted my cheeks with a warmth that wasn’t entirely unpleasant—but from the realization that I was here, dancing with Cassius Portman. The contrast between our lives couldn’t have been starker; he moved in circles where my existence barely registered as a blip. Yet here we were.

I let out a breathless laugh, giddy with the champagne fizzing through my veins and the intoxicating thrill of his proximity. The music’s rhythm was a heartbeat that echoed my own—fast, erratic, full of life. The room felt charged with possibility as if every note played for us beckoned me to dream bigger, bolder.

Cassius led me across the dance floor with an effortless confidence that made me forget about everything but the moment. “You’re full of surprises,” he murmured near my ear, his breath warm against my skin.

“And you,” I whispered back, daring to meet his intense gaze head-on, “are nothing like what I expected.”

In that bubble of time and space created by masquerade magic and champagne bubbles, I allowed myself to indulge in fantasies I’d never dare voice aloud—fantasies where Cinderella didn’t vanish at midnight but danced until dawn with her Prince Charming. And for a fleeting moment—a heartbeat in an endless night—I believed in fairy tales and happily ever afters.

As the music continued to play, Cassius led me to a smaller, private sitting room just off the main ballroom. It was adorned with elegant furniture and dim lighting, painting a romantic picture that I had only ever seen in movies. We sat down, and the air was thick with anticipation as our eyes locked on each other. I felt out of my depth, yet strangely at ease with him. He seemed genuinely interested in everything I had to say, and it felt good to be the center of attention for once.

“You know what?” he finally said. “I’m tired of pretending. Let’s ditch this charade and just be real for a moment. I want to know more about you. You’ve caught my interest, Mila,” he said softly, his voice low. “Tell me, who are you really?”

I swallowed hard, torn between fear and excitement. “I… I’m just a girl in a mask,” I managed to reply, feeling my cheeks heat up under my mask. He leaned closer, his gaze burning into me.

“I must admit,” he said, his voice a low rumble that resonated within me, “the enigma you present is… intoxicating.”

His hand lifted, inching closer to my cheek, and I could almost feel the warmth of his skin before I gently caught his wrist. “A masquerade isn’t much fun if all is revealed too soon,” I reminded him, my voice playful yet laced with steel.

Cassius chuckled, the sound rich and enticing. “Indeed,” he conceded, lowering his hand but not his gaze. “But there’s something maddening about a puzzle just begging to be solved.”

I couldn’t help but smile behind my mask. The charged atmosphere buzzed between us, a current that neither of us could deny. Yet I held firm in my resolve. “Some puzzles,” I countered, “are worth the patience they demand.”

He regarded me with a new level of respect mixed with his clear desire—a cocktail that made him even more alluring. But there was also frustration there; a man used to getting what he wanted, now faced with a challenge that wouldn’t bend so easily.

Cassius leaned in closer once more, his breath warm against my ear. “You play a dangerous game,” he whispered.

With my heart hammering against my ribs like a caged bird desperate for freedom, I leaned back just enough to meet his gaze. “Isn’t that what makes it so thrilling?” I asked.

As Cassius’s lips met mine, a surge of electricity coursed through my body. His kiss was passionate and intense, and I responded with equal fervor. Our tongues danced together, exploring each other’s mouths in a way that left me breathless. His hands roamed over my body, tracing the curves of my dress and making me shiver with desire.

The intensity of the moment caught my breath, and I lost all sense of reason as we continued to kiss. My heart raced in my chest, and the heat rising between us. It was as if we were two halves of a whole finally coming together, fitting perfectly into each other’s arms.

As our passion grew more intense, Cassius’s hands began to explore more boldly, sliding under the edges of my dress and caressing the skin of my back. The sensation was electric, sending shivers down my spine and making me moan softly into his mouth.

I couldn’t believe how far we had come in such a short time. Just hours ago, I had been a simple maid at the Wintertide Hotel, dreaming of a life beyond my current circumstances. And now here I was, locked in an intense embrace with one of the most powerful men in the city—a man who could change everything for me if he so desired.

The thought sent a thrill through me, making me want him even more.

As our kiss continued to grow more frenzied, the desire and caution tugged at my heart and mind—between wanting to give myself completely to Cassius and fearing what might happen if I did so.

The thrum of my pulse became a symphony, each beat a note that harmonized with the seductive music enveloping us. Cassius’s touch, a siren’s call, threatened to lure me into uncharted waters. His lips, demanding and soft all at once, promised rapture. And yet, as our passion mounted, I clung to the one thing that shielded me from completely capsizing into his world—the mask.

It wasn’t just a piece of fabric; it was my fortress, safeguarding the life I knew from the tantalizing whispers of what could be. His hands roamed with an ownership that both scared and exhilarated me, but they halted at the edges of my mask as if he understood the silent decree it represented.
