Page 43 of Empire of Light

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A low chuckle shook his chest and his hand went along my jawline, his thumb tracing my lower lip. “There will be plenty of time for that later.”

His stare blazing into me, his left hand landed on the middle of my chest and he pushed me back, flat onto the ottoman. Standing over me, his fingers trailed down the middle of my body. Between my breasts, down my belly. His touch slow and his eyes hungry, like he needed to rememorize every inch of my body that he’d forgotten.

But I hadn’t changed. Not really. This was still the same body he knew. I still reacted to his touch on me like I always did—with hitched breaths and a pounding need in my folds, desperate for him.

His hand slid lower and his thumb slipped in between my folds.

He smiled, carnal, at the wetness already soaking me. I wasn’t about to deny how much I wanted him. One long swipe downward with his thumb and then he circled my clit as his right hand slipped under my left thigh and lifted it up.

His fingers ran up the back of my leg, extending it until it was straight along the length of his torso. Spreading me wide to him, putting me at his mercy.

A place my body had always thrived.

He hitched his left leg up, setting his knee onto the ottoman to lower himself and he pressed my right leg wider.

His movements so slow and measured I was almost at my screaming point just by his thumb circling my clit.

He wanted this so much slower than the rabid sex we’d had several nights ago.

Slow, meant to torture me in a different way for disappearing on him.

Torture I would submit to, willingly.

The bottom half of my body locked into position by him, I stretched my arms upward, my hands sinking over the edge of the ottoman by the fire. Heat to warm my already boiling hands. My back arched, my hips trying to press my clit harder into his touch.

He wouldn’t have it, his fingers lessening the pressure as I tried to demand more, keeping up his slow execution of pleasure that kept me on the edge of madness.

“Hell, Damen, I need you inside of me.”

He chuckled, his look dark and wicked in the firelight. “And I need to be inside of you, but I also need you to remember exactly what I can do to your body. How I can make you feel.”

“Like I’d crawl to the edge of the earth and slip over the side of oblivion to have you inside of me? I’m there.”

The rumble of his laughter vibrated into my chest.

He slipped one finger inside of me, pumped it in and out, my hips chasing the motion the whole time, and then he pulled it out and sank it deep into his mouth, sucking off my juices. His eyes closed as pure ecstasy ran across his face.

I nearly exploded.

One of the most erotic sights I’d ever seen.

My breath quickened and his eyes opened to me, his amber irises pure fire. “You don’t go yet.”

Motherfucking hell.

A smile of pure wanton devilry crossed his face and he leaned down over me, stretching my left leg up high on his chest. His knee on the ottoman pushed my right leg wider and he set the tip of his cock on my entrance. Teasing.

His palm went under my chin, his thumb slipping up into my mouth and I grabbed it between my teeth, sucking it, biting it, my stare on him as he sank his shaft deep into me. The fit stretching me to the limit like he always did.

Slow out, his muscles popping with restraint. Slow in. Strokes that were so agonizing, they kept me on that fine line just before shattering. The exact spot where I lost not only my mind, but also any sense of space and time.

He pulled out slowly one last time, a growl on his lips that cut me to the core. A pause. His head shook like he was waging a war in his mind with the devil and he was about to give up his soul for me.

Then he drove into me hard.

Pumping furiously, all restraint gone. Just our bodies rabid and loud and so deep into the moment there were no inhibitions in how our skin was meeting or what we needed from each other.

Sunk in me to the hilt, my leg still wedged high on his chest, he pulled his hand from my chin and slid his fingers down between us. I could feel the fire of his power bleeding out from his palm deep into my sex.
