Page 71 of Empire of Light

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I broke the kiss, my right hand moving up to curl around the back of her neck as my stare found hers. “This never ends.” The intensity in my own voice shook me to my core.

A smile, raw and heartbreaking in its sincerity curled onto her lips. “It never ends.”

I drove into her. Full and long and reaching into her depths, her channel constricting around me, not willing to let me go.

I drew out, only to plunge inward with more force. A choked moan vibrated from her throat and she locked her legs around my backside, her hips writhing against me, creating more friction than I thought I could handle.

She leaned back on the balcony, hovering in the open air, sending her long blond hair to fall back in waves, her torso stretched long in front of me, the moonlight glinting off her skin—tiny diamonds fallen from the moon. The erotic sight alone made my cock swell and I was one wrong shift of my hips from exploding.

Instead, I buckled down, wrapping a hand around her lower back for stability, and I forged on, thrusting hard, every drive into her a conduit for that mystical energy that never ceased between us, sending every one of my nerves to fire.

Her hips bucked hard against me, her screams echoing into the night air. Stars above us twinkling in approval.

Lost in her. Drunk on every move she made, every sound slipping from her lips. My cock swollen to exquisite torment.

She reached up and slipped her hand behind my neck, her green eyes locking onto my stare. Desperation and salvation and a world of beauty in that moment.

A moment we needed to live in together.

I drew my hips back and slammed deep into her, hitting her G-spot in a brutal surge that surprised even me.

Both of us shattered. The exact same moment, our bodies heaving against one another, screams mixing, two halves making one perfect, synchronous whole.

One that even the stars couldn’t deny, for the rightness of it.

My cock sent surge after surge into her, and I wrapped her body into mine, my breath abandoning me for long minutes.

When air finally made it into my lungs, I picked her up and shuffled toward the bed, all of my muscles ravaged from the day. From fucking her. From being fucked by her.

Still gasping for breath, I landed on the bed, her on top of me. She rolled off of me, lying on her side, her right arm tucked under her head.

I twisted onto my side, mirroring her, so I could watch her face, study the flush that had her cheeks pulsating with every heartbeat.

Her hand moved to my chest, her fingers splaying over the skull inked on my skin. “We do that, and no one could deny that we are two halves of a whole.”

“Who’s denying it?”

She scoffed a chuckle. “You know nobody wants us to be together.”


“So somewhere, outside the worlds of good and evil, that is where we need to exist. That is where we need to be to be with one another. We just need to find that place.”

I brushed my knuckles along her left cheekbone. “I don’t think that’s our fate.”

“Why can’t it be?”

“Because we don’t shrink to the shadows. We make our place to exist. We carve out an existence together, boldly, in front of everyone because we don’t fucking hide from the world. We own who we are and make no apology for it. We don’t let others tell us we don’t belong together.”

Her jaw opened like she was about to argue, but then she paused and her stare locked onto mine. “Yes. That—that I love.”


{ Ada }

Lips soft on my neck.

The perfect way to wake up.
