Page 47 of Sparrow

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We had been up since early this morning. We were both tired, and I knew I needed to let him get some rest before his trip.

"Yes," I said, sitting up and turning around to look at him. "And I know you have to be up and prepared for your trip."

"I'm still in denial." Owen grabbed the remote and turned off the television.

"I’m in denial too," I agreed.

"Shh." He sat up a little and made an intense expression like he was listening for something.

"What?" I asked.


I did as he said, and then I shook my head. "I hear nothing, but…"

"But what?"

"White noise."

"Yeah. What's the white noise?"

"I don't know. The air conditioner?"

He smiled. "It's rain."

"Oh, is it raining?" I asked, sitting up further and listening. I glanced at him with wide eyes. "Does that mean your flight is canceled?" I asked.

He gave me an easy smile. "I wish. I have to get back. Come on, it means we're going outside."

"We're what?"

But I figured out what he was saying because he began making his way to the stairs. I was already following him. I slowly caught on to what he was saying and what we were doing.

"I hope it's still warm outside," he said on the way downstairs.

"Are we about to get soaked?" I asked, whispering as we walked.

"You don't have to whisper. My parents are on the other side of the house. But yes, we're about to get soaked."


"Do you have your phone with you?" he asked, hesitating at the door.

"For a picture?" I asked, patting my pockets.

"No. I don't want it to get wet."

"Oh, no, I don't have it. It's upstairs."

Owen smiled at me, hesitating near the door. I could feel the September air. It was a little cooler than it was earlier today, but still warm for this time of year.

We went out through one of the back doors that led to a shaded area with some trees. It was one of the more secluded parts of their yard. This section made it feel like we were in the woods instead of the pool and back patio. I felt the rain start to hit me as soon as we went out from under the rooftop.

I was staring at the most beautiful site in the world. I was watching the backside of Owen as he walked in front of me, leading the way outside. He was tall and muscular. He was wearing sweatpants, and I could appreciate from this range how his body moved when he walked. The sight of him with rain falling between us was a thing of beauty. There might as well have been music playing as we walked.

The rain. He walked further, into a clearing, and the rain began to hit me harder. They were pretty large drops. There was a light zapping feeling that happened on my skin when each one hit me. I flinched and took a deep, shuttering breath as we walked further into the clearing.

Owen turned around and took me into his arms. It was completely dark, but there was just enough light from the house and the moon that we could see each other. I blinked and smiled and wiped at my face. I felt drops of rain hitting me, one after another, rolling down the back of my head, rolling down my face and arms. I took another deep breath and smiled at him as we both got soaked. Owen was perfect, and this moment was perfect. He ran a hand through his hair before taking hold of my waist again, pulling me more securely into his arms.
