Page 39 of Triple Trouble

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But he didn’t leave — whoever it was unlocked the door, the doorpad beeping with every touch of the numerical keypad, and he came in.

Of course, it was Adrian. The man that Emma didn’t seem to want to talk to.

But her reaction was unexpected. Instead of making an excuse to leave, or ignoring him completely, Emma jumped and her face became bright red.

“What are you up to?” he asked and peered over her shoulder at the sketch. “Good drawing, but someone looks a bitexcited.”

Now it was my turn to feel hot with embarrassment.

Fuck Adrian and his bad timing.

Emma closed the sketch book and placed it on the coffee table. She seemed flustered when she stood up, like she didn’t know what to do with her hands, and I wondered what would have happened if we weren’t interrupted.

Would she have made a move? Or if I became so frustrated that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself, would I have done it first?

Now I would never know.



My face felt hot.

Even when I splashed it with cold water from the bathroom sink, I still felt like I was sunburned, like I’d spent a whole day out in the summer sun.

But it was impossible for me to be sunburned: it was winter, the weather was cloudy, and I hadn’t been outside for a week.

I knew this was all about Jackson’s erection, and the guilt that I felt for being attracted to him when Adrian was right there.

I stared at myself in the mirror.

In my entire life, I’d only been attracted to a few people: a boy in my sixth-grade class, a boy in my middle school, another in my high school, and Nathan. Why was I now drawn to two men at once?

My mind drifted back to the moment when I’d sketched Jackson’s crotch. He’d been looking at the painting, so I felt like I had free rein to stare at him as much as I wanted to. I’d already suspected he was hard when I drew his overall outline, even though I felt too self-conscious to let my eyes linger on his crotch for longer than it took to draw the circle.

But then I filled in the detail… and I was sure. In my mind, there was no doubt that he had a rock-hard erection, and I was going to draw every single inch of it.

If only Adrian hadn’t come in and ruined everything.

To distract myself from my thoughts, I started my usual breast examination, removing my top and then my bra, tossing both of them on the floor next to the sink. As always, I started with the visual check first, although this mirror was higher than the one at Cora’s house, and I had to stand on my tip-toes to see both my breasts in full.

But even at this height, it was hard to focus on what I really needed to look at: visual inconsistencies in my nipple shape and size, or the shape of my breast.

All I could see was my tattoo.

It was healing well, and there was barely any redness left in my skin. The phoenix, even without the color and shading that would be added later, already looked like it was alive.

I wondered how many versions of the sketch Jackson had created, and whether he’d imagined my breasts when he’d drawn them.

Our next appointment was going to be in a couple of weeks, and I wasn’t sure about how I felt about being half-naked with him again. Surely he’d see the scarlet color creeping up my chest as I became more and more turned on?

I tried to push all those thoughts out of my head and focus on what I was doing. But still, being on my tiptoes while I pressed my fingers around my nipple, feeling for lumps, made me unstable.

Especially when Xavier opened the door.

“Shit, I’m so sorry!”

I almost fell over, but I grabbed the basin and steadied myself.
