Page 32 of Act Three

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“Is this what it’s like to be famous?” I asked.

“Pretty much.” Dean gave me a smile. “This happens almost everywhere I go. You get sick of it sometimes, but it’s mostly pretty cool.”

He smiled for a selfie with a little boy who struggled to hold his phone up with his tiny fingers.

“Let me,” I said, gently taking it off him. I took five photos and handed the phone back.

“Thanks!” He checked the photos and grinned.

“That’s enough,” Preston said, and the kids groaned. “We need to film this scene before we lose the light.”

“Let’s take a big group photo together,” Dean suggested. “That way, nobody misses out.”

Preston paced while we stood the kids up again and wrangled them into a group, including the two teachers.

“Hey Preston, could you take the photo?” Dean asked, ignoring the glare he received in return.

“Sure.” Preston gave a forced smile as he took one of the teacher’s phones. He stepped back, took a photo, and stepped forward to hand the phone back.

“Take a few,” one of the kids begged. “Just in case we have our eyes closed.”

Preston’s jaw grated from side to side as he complied.

“The field trip’s over. It’s time for us to work.”

The kids groaned.

“What if they’rereallyquiet? Could they watch us film a scene or two?” Dean gave me a wink.

There was a chorus of “Yes!” and “We promise!” from the kids. Preston looked like he wanted to kill Dean, but he relented.

“One take,” he said, giving the teachers a meaningful look. “And then it’s time to leave.”

The kids cheered again as Dean and I found our marks. I held my index finger in front of my lips to shush them, and they fell silent.


The kids were perfect.Each time one of them forgot where they were and made a noise, their friends elbowed them, reminding them to be quiet. We filmed several takes while they watched and, to my surprise, I didn’t feel more self-conscious in front of our captive audience. Instead, I found myself performingforthem, intentionally flubbing my lines every so often just to hear them laugh.

Dean did the same thing. During one scene, he picked three firm pieces of fruit from a tree and juggled them, sending the kids into hysterics when he tried to toss one under his knee and ended up hitting my thigh instead.

“Hey,” I protested as I picked it up and pegged it back to him. He caught it in one hand and gave me a cheeky grin. If he’d thrown it a few inches lower, it would have hit my prosthetic andthatwould have hurt if it jarred against my stump, but to be fair, he didn’t know I had it. Nobody on set did — Daisy’s costume of low-rider jeans and a peasant top exposed my waist but covered my legs, which suited me fine despite the hot summer weather.

“Places, everyone,” Preston called out. “Let’s start from the top.”

This time, Dean and I performed the scene flawlessly. We followed the backwards-walking cameraman through the overhanging leaves, delivered our lines, and I packed every interaction with all the sexual tension that Wyatt had implied Ineeded to. Which wasn’t hard to do at all, since I was just as attracted to Dean as Daisy was to Tom.

When Dean saved me from the snake that would be added digitally later, I pressed my body against his while keeping my breasts turned to the camera; and when I grabbed his hand to pull him up when he slipped in the dry leaves, I held on for a few seconds longer than I normally would.

When Preston called, “Cut!”, the teachers led a round of applause that made warmth spread across my chest.

“They love us!”

“Of course they do,” Dean said. “Filming a movie must be a massive thing in a small town like this.”

“It’s certainly not something you see every day.” I smiled. “That was far more fun than just filming in front of the crew — I wish we could always have an audience.”

“Maybe you should do theater, then,” Dean suggested. “And then you will. Not that I’d want to discourage you from making movies — you’re pretty good.”
