Page 55 of Act Three

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“Would I what?” Kyla asked and licked her lips, leaving them slightly parted. She wanted me to kiss her, I could feel it. There was heat between us, the kind of sexual tension that even the best actors couldn’t fabricate.

“Would you like to rehearse a few scenes tomorrow?”

Kyla pressed her lips together. I felt like I was chickening out, and in a way, I was. But I didn’t want to be the reason that the movie didn’t get made. There was too much money riding on it, not only for me, but for everyone. Including Kyla.

Dean went back to his room holding a basket of clean laundry and disappeared inside, closing the door behind him.

“See you tomorrow,” I said with a smile. Kyla nodded and the corners of her mouth turned up.

“See you tomorrow.”

She drove away as soon as I was out of the car and I stood there watching her tail lights until she turned a corner and disappeared.

Instead of going to my room, I went to Dean’s and knocked three times.



Ididn’t know what to think anymore.

After receiving mixed signals from all three guys, I wasn’t sure where I stood.

Wyatt was on the verge of saying something big in the car, I knew it, something that had nothing to do with rehearsing my scenes.

Would you… like to have a night of endless sex?

Would you… like to get married and run away to Hollywood?

Would you… like to have a threesome in the back seat of your car?

But he changed his mind at the last moment, and now I would never know what he was thinking.

It was infuriating.

Did he like me or not? What about Isaac? I still wasn’t even sure about Dean. At least I knew he didn’t hate me, but ruling that out still left a huge gray area that included “lukewarm”, “hot”, and “red hot” as options.

After a terrible night of sleep where I tossed and turned, dreaming about Wyatt, then Isaac, then Dean, I drove to the set feeling exhausted. Crystal did her best work with concealer and ahighlighting powder, and while it made my skin glow, it couldn’t hide the exhaustion in my eyes.

“You look great,” she said, and I appreciated her saying that, even if it wasn’t true.

“Thanks.” I gave her a grateful smile and made my way to the resort’s pool, where we would be filming today. It had been empty only last week, its concrete shell covered with green algae and the floor coated with leaves and gunk, but the crew had done an amazing job of restoring it to its former glory. The water sparkled in the morning sunlight and the deep end looked so inviting that if I didn’t have a job to do, I would have stripped off and dived in head-first.

But I did have a job to do, and I was ready. The wardrobe department had given me a bikini that I was wearing under my tank top and long skirt, and I hoped that if I needed to remove the skirt, the crew could film around my leg so it wouldn’t be noticeable.

The guys turned up fifteen minutes after I did, trudging up the ramp from the main building, wearing board shorts and sunglasses. Their muscular bare chests were so distracting that for a moment, I didn’t notice that there was someone else with them: a thin woman wearing a pink bikini.


My stomach flip-flopped as she came up and gave me a broad smile.

“How are you enjoying the movie?” She asked and screwed up her perfect tiny nose. “Kayla, is it?”

I stayed silent. She knew perfectly well what my name was, and I wasn’t going to play these games. Behind her, Dean shot me an apologetic look and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Leave Kyla alone. She hasn’t done anything to you.”

Brooke narrowed her eyes while playing with Dean’s fingers. To anyone watching among the cast and crew, they must have looked like the perfect loved-up couple.
