Page 60 of Act Three

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“I figure that if I ignore her, she’ll eventually go away.” I stretched my good leg and pointed and flexed my toe to get theblood moving. “Preston doesn’t listen to anything she says, so as long as I keep getting my lines right, I’m safe.”

Wyatt draped his arm around my shoulders.

“I think that’s a very mature perspective.”

My pussy tingled in response to his touch, and I leaned into his body, savoring the heat of his body against mine.

We had continued to hang out between takes, both one-on-one and with the other guys, and I felt like we were almost becoming friends. Friends who hung out in each other’s trailers and fooled around between scenes, of course, but our dynamic was relaxed and playful… the complete opposite of what I’d experienced after I’d slept with Dean.

“I’ll giveyoua mature perspective.” I shoved him lightly, and he laughed.

“Now, children,” Isaac chastised, as Brooke watched us with daggers in her eyes. “What have I told you about getting involved with costars?”

I gave him a blank look, feigning ignorance. But Wyatt must have been on the receiving end of this particular conversation before, because he rolled his eyes.

“That it’s a bad idea,” he said with the tone of someone who was repeating something he’d heard several times. “And something always goes wrong.”

“And there’s Exhibit A,” I said under my breath, gesturing at Dean and Brooke. They were far enough away that they couldn’t hear us, but Brooke was furious. Her brow was as furrowed as her Botox allowed, her eyes burned with anger and her movements, when she stood up and spoke to one of the crew members, were stiff and aggressive.

“Come on, man,” Wyatt said, “we’re both consenting adults, and neither of us are going to cause drama. Are we?” He looked at me and I shook my head.

We hadn’t spoken about what we’d do after the movie wrapped up, but in my head it was straightforward — Wyatt would return to Los Angeles and I would stay here. Even if I was lucky enough to be offered another role, not every movie was filmed in Hollywood, so there was no guarantee that I’d be working anywhere near him.

And even with my limited dating experience, I knew that long-distance relationships weren’t my thing.

“Alright everyone,” Preston called. “Places.” Wyatt and Isaac grabbed one of my hands each and pulled me upright, and I staggered to my feet. Today’s scene was one where Tom and Daisy decided to stay with Wyatt’s character in his guest bed, and Brooke sat in one of the folding chairs behind Preston with her legs crossed, chewing gum with her mouth open. During the third take, he yelled, “Cut!” and turned to glare at her.

“All I can hear is chewing. Spit it out,” he said, gesturing to the wastepaper basket that his assistant tilted in her direction.

Brooke gave him a dour look and poked out her tongue, the white wad on the end of it. She leaned forward, letting it fall into the bin, and Preston turned back to us.


We filmed the scene again and again until my leg ached, and finally Preston sighed, checked his watch, and said, “We’ll pick it up again tomorrow.”

I yawned and picked up my bag.

“What are you doing this weekend?” Isaac asked as he, Wyatt, and I walked out to the parking lot together. Dean and Brooke walked ahead of us, not touching each other.

I shrugged.

“I don’t know yet.”

It was a lie. I knew exactly what I wanted to do — sleep in and spend the day in bed. Our filming schedule was packed, and since I was one of the stars, my breaks were few and far between.

And if Wyatt happened to join me in bed… I wouldn’t complain.

But after Isaac’s lecture about getting involved with costars, I wasn’t about to tell him that.

“I heard there’s a theater production of Wicked this weekend, and I thought you might like to see how professional actors approach their craft. It’s a totally different ballgame — no outtakes reel, no second takes, no filter between the actors and audience. There’s only one chance to get it right.”

“Is this a date?” I teased.

“What happened to not getting involved with co-stars?” Wyatt asked.

Isaac set his jaw firm.

“No, it’s professional development.”
